They share the responsibility for stalling the recovery and damaging the life chances of the next generation.
When we do this well, the results are staggering - individual confidence soars and life chances are radically improved.
Is color an issue that would cause some to be skeptical about the life chances of a candidate of color?
Creativity is going to make the difference between working and not working, quality work or dull work, insecurity or life chances.
Without these skills, these women will have their life chances affected forever.
"There must be no inertia between now and early 2001: young people's life chances need to be improved as soon as possible, " said the minister.
But the life chances are deteriorating rapidly for those without qualifications.
The reality if these two centuries have also seen some of the worst atrocities, as well as high fluctuating changes in life chances for people.
However, one campaign group described the government's direction on the issue as "another nail in the coffin of the life chances of a generation of children".
BBC: Iain Duncan Smith: Child poverty approach 'set to fail'
We could create a trend line so that the infant that's born today has different life chances than he might otherwise have, if we make good decisions.
He established Birmingham A's as the leading basketball club in the country through the development of bespoke projects that create better life chances for young people and children.
These are big gaps that really affect people's life chances.
When we talk about social justice, we also need to recognise that the inequalities in society affect the life chances of people who don't think of themselves as especially disadvantaged.
"Therefore the council's plans to support rapid improvement in educational standards and life chances as a result, as part of the Education Improvement Partnership, remain very much on track, " it added.
This is a radical move... poor numeracy is a blight on an individual's life chances and we believe that employees will be as keen as their employers to improve their skills.
"Those schools left with the most challenging pupils, who need the most intensive support, will suffer a slow spiral of decline and their pupils will lose out on life chances, " he said.
Mrs McGuire said that making a start on implementing the recommendations contained in the report - called Improving the Life Chances of Disabled People - was one of her principal medium-term goals.
"This appalling gap between the life chances of poor children and the rest of the student population is a scar on the face of our education system in this country, " he added.
Ms Teather added that there was overwhelming evidence that a child's development in the first five years' of their life is the single biggest factor influencing their future life chances, health and education attainment.
The Education Committee will explore the role of health visitors in helping children to be ready for school, taking into account recommendations made in recent reviews on Early Years, Early Intervention and Poverty and Life Chances.
She described "a Tory-led government doing what all Tory-led governments have done since 1948 - attacking the NHS" and argued that the Lib Dems' reversal on student tuition fees was "blighting the life chances" of young people.
This is an intensive programme based on strong evidence that helping parents form strong attachments to their children in the very early days and supporting them through the stresses and strains of family life can significantly improve the life chances of children.
If educators continue to do that then we will find that drop-outs will begin to increase at this level as students recognize the impossibility of their life chances at university and the increasing irrelevance of what they are doing at upper secondary schools.
Mr Clegg argued that life chances could not be evened out simply by reducing inequality, pointing to Australia and Canada as examples of countries with a similar gap between the rich and the poor as the UK but much better levels of social mobility.
The head of the NIAO, Comptroller and Auditor General Kieran Donnelly, said: It is vital that our education system does all it can to address underachievement in order to improve the life chances of our young people and to ensure that our economy is well equipped to compete in an increasingly global marketplace.
"A degree would vastly improve the life chances of young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds and it would significantly increase the opportunities of those people over 25, many of whom have been made redundant in the recession and who have applied in hugely increased numbers this year, as they try to retrain, " he said.
He could see her running through the oboe list in her head: life expectancies, marital chances.
You may already have employer-sponsored life insurance, although chances are you don't have much.
Mr Weston said real clarity is needed to prevent indiscretions and minor offences carried out in youth destroying people's chances for life.