The special curcumin extract is available in several U.S. products, including those from Life Extension Inc.
Certainly, these genes are involved in life extension in simple species such as threadworms and yeast.
Under the Life Extension Programs, weapons are returned from the field and aging components are refurbished or remanufactured.
Family members exhaust every life-saving intervention for an elderly relative, even when the prospects of significant life extension are minimal.
In fact, if a treatment always produced only a two-week life extension, the FDA would likely never have approved such a regimen in the first place.
Overall we will be adding more than a year every year to your own remaining life expectancy, which will represent a turning point in life extension.
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In the absence of a remedial measure like patent-life extension, the industry will continue its decline, resulting in incalculable losses to the U.S. economy and poorer medical care for its citizens.
WSJ: Should Patents on Pharmaceuticals Be Extended to Encourage Innovation?
Dr Levine was a member of the team which showed that an increased level of autophagy, brought on by the stress of living in a constant state of near-starvation, was the mechanism responsible for this life extension.
In his reply President Bush invites the UK to "participate at an early stage in any program to replace the D5 missiles or to discuss a further life extension - for your purposes - of the D5 missile to match the potential out-of-service date of your new submarines".
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | US to discuss UK Trident lifespan
That will require not just technologically problematic "service life-extension" programs for aging weapons.
Germany suspended plans for allowing its 17 nukes to get regulatory life-extension.
FORBES: Post Fukushima-- burn more coal and oil, and hire more engineers not regulators
Then came a stunning extension of life in colon cancer patients.
An extension to the life of the nuclear plant is unlikely, according to First Minister Rhodri Morgan.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Power station 'deal to save jobs'
Your business often becomes your life and as such is an extension of you and your philosophy.
This is an extension of the idea of looking for signs of life in atmospheres.
ECONOMIST: Is it time for a new approach to finding extraterrestrials?
The extension is expected to add up to 15 years to the life of the cemetery, off Alexandra Road.
BBC: Mold Cemetery extension to start as just six plots remain
Mr Armani considers hotels a logical extension of his aim of promoting his brand in all walks of life (can Armani toilet paper be far behind?).
ECONOMIST: Should luxury-goods firms go into the hotel business?