And buying them would light up his face and send him hone early to his family.
Mr Noble also drew attention to the relatively light penalties counterfeiters face in many countries.
That could light up his face and put food on his table for a week, I will do it tomorrow.
Applications of image processing include such popular consumer features as light balancing and face recognition, now standard on most digital cameras, which can also be associated with voice recognition.
The effect seems to depend on processing each face in light of the others.
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Hopkins said before the fight he'd like to face WBO light heavyweight champ Nathan Cleverly.
Perhaps it was nothing more than an effect of the light, but his face looked heartbreakingly flaccid, white like the underside of a crab.
In the next six to nine months, Wiens will start to be able to feel light touch on his face and to move his face and lips, Pomahac said.
For His light to shine from your face.
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Unfortunately, to reap the benefits of the Optimal Light Therapy System, you have to spend 30 minutes with your face in front of a blinding, bright light.
The two-month launch was impressive, but it sheds light on the challenges that Lifesta face.
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With some minor adjustments to the room, a comfortable chair was positioned to allow the light to fall gently across her face.
Yet, he went on to question the need for this superiority in light of the asymmetrical threats we face now and in the future.
In 2010, the International Air Transport Association asked the U.N. body representing the world's aviation regulators to take a look at management of unruly passengers in light of evidence that most rarely face official action.
Interesting points were raised by the schools, giving those present a clear picture of the challenges that these institutions face: in the light of the recent violence, the University of Nairobi expressed a need for courses in conflict reporting safety, whilst a Mozambican j-school noted the lack of desire on the part of journalists to report from rural areas.
It still would not surprise me if Coach Tressel resigned in light of the continued heat he will face in the upcoming months.
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The Madonna has a pale, heart-shaped face, tiny pert nose, light distant eyes, and small perfect mouths.
If you are light skinned do not wear white near your face as it will make you look pale.
If all we do is change our light bulbs to compact fluorescents, we will face a catastrophic collision with reality.
She only realised the man in her bed was not her partner when a ray of light from outside the room flashed across his face.
"President Bush's comparison of any Democrat to Nazi appeasers is offensive and outrageous on the face of it, especially in light of his failures in foreign policy, " Clinton said in South Dakota on Friday.
They face unprecedented economic hardship, with no light at the end of the tunnel.
His windows face south, and through the murky light of a damp late afternoon the towers of Wall Street were barely visible.
His face was long and rubbery, with prominent light-blue eyes.
Face it, it's difficult to use light to display the absence of light!
Today she wore no makeup except black eyeliner, and her face was prettier, more harmonious in the subdued light.
She'd get rid of the in-the-round, non-adversarial chamber and go for a bit of face-to-face heat along with, of course, some light.
Mr. Cassagnes, an electrical technician, came upon the Etch A Sketch idea in the late 1950s when he peeled a translucent decal from a light switchplate and found pencil-mark images transferred to the opposite face, the Toy Industry Association said.
Then an electrical technician, Cassagnes came upon the Etch A Sketch idea in the late 1950s when he peeled a translucent decal from a light switch plate and found pencil mark images transferred to the opposite face, the Toy Industry Association said.
The bride had light-brown hair and freckles on a wide, open, pale face, and the groom was in uniform.