Those seemingly untechnical UPS drivers serve as a linchpin in the company's vast electronic tracking system.
It has also illustrated how patents can serve as the linchpin of a company's strategy.
When her husband was away, she became the family linchpin, providing everything from discipline to carpools.
It is they, not he, who have loosened the linchpin of the Atlantic Alliance.
Now he is the linchpin in Chief Executive William Davis ' plan to remake the 138-year-old company.
Foxworthy is the linchpin of a multi-million-dollar empire and the top-selling comedy recording artist of all time.
Now he is the linchpin in the plan of William Davis, the ceo, to remake the 138-year-old company.
So seemed the gist of recent remarks from the linchpin of our billionaires list, Bill Gates.
Now he's the linchpin of a team that hasn't made it out of the first round in 20 years.
International trade, the third linchpin of the California economy, is also under assault.
FORBES: California Suggests Suicide; Texas Asks: Can I Lend You a Knife?
Indonesia is the linchpin of ASEAN, with two-fifths of the group's total population.
Without its series linchpin charming viewers with his predictably blunt if not cruel commentary, Fox has cause to worry.
Shinui, a linchpin of Mr Sharon's governments between 2001 and 2006, has since disappeared as swiftly as it arose.
Linchpin Simon Cowell was out, abandoning what seemed to be a listing ship.
Girardi went to the infielder and let him know that he was the linchpin to the Yankee doomsday catching scenario.
Fourie is the linchpin of the Leeds side, highlighted by his man-of-the-match display in the 9-9 opening-day draw with Newcastle.
The other linchpin of Wi-Fi offloading is making the transition between cellular networks and Wi-Fi hotspots as smooth as possible.
FORBES: U.S. Service Providers Preparing Wi-Fi Offload Rollouts
The linchpin of the model is the underlying unity of two of the three forces: electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force.
ECONOMIST: Particle physics makes sense, but it assumes too much
Let me begin by stating my argument against becoming a linchpin is a positional argument, and not a personal attack on Seth.
FORBES: Seth Godin's Linchpin Theory: Sound Advice or Career Suicide?
The linchpin of the region is Uganda, with its powerful army, influential president, successful economy and the friendship of Americans and Europeans.
Cowell, the colorful linchpin of American Idol, announced Monday that he'll leave the ratings juggernaut after the ninth season concludes in May.
"My Body Is a Cage" serves as a bombastic linchpin for Neon Bible, bringing an undercurrent of fear and anxiety to the surface.
"Success here is the linchpin for the nuclear industry in this country, " says Joseph "Buzz" Miller, executive vice president for nuclear development for Southern.
The alliance between these two trade tsars (both keen on marathon-running as well as marathon telephone calls) is the linchpin of today's global trading system.
This cannot happen if one person positions themselves as a linchpin.
FORBES: Seth Godin's Linchpin Theory: Sound Advice or Career Suicide?
Poland is now the economic and political linchpin of Central Europe.
Mormons should be mere members, rather than the linchpin of the Protect Marriage coalition, some Mormons say, lest their primary goal of missionary evangelism be tainted.
Yet popularity alone cannot guarantee Mr. Najib's survival as head of the United Malay National Organization (UMNO), the party that forms the linchpin of the National Front.
For nearly a century, between 1560 and 1640, this bilateral trade would earn Portugal fabulous wealth and make Macau a linchpin in her globe-straddling network of trade.
But Gronkowski is arguably linchpin to the team's receiving corps.