• Though Darondo owes much of his style to Al Green, the track gives Green's best songs a run for their money: The song's every element is sublime, from the opening guitar line to Ray Dobard's sweeping string arrangement to Darondo's delicate vocals, which reveal a fragile vulnerability.

    NPR: Classic Soul from an Unlikely Source

  • Call it the return of Taxachusetts, the state's old moniker from the 1970s and 1980s before a string of GOP Governors were elected to hold the line.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: The RomneyCare Bill Comes Due

  • In the latest of a long string of disappointments, management announced that its new line of phones would not be out until late 2012 instead of the first quarter and cited the availability of key component parts as the reason for the delay.

    FORBES: Best And Worst Trades Of 2011

  • Harlequins managed to string together one potent attacking move but centre David Howell spilled the ball over the line.

    BBC: Leeds 48-0 Harlequins

  • It is virtually impossible to fiddle 10 overs out of second string bowlers when, as captain, you are also keeping back two of your front-line bowlers for the powerplay.

    BBC: Jonathan Agnew column

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