Richmond attorney Tom Lisk grew up across the street from LaPierre in Roanoke, Va.
NPR: NRA's LaPierre: Wonk With Million-Dollar Megaphone
Tommy and Carol Lisk, from Swansea, were planning their "modest" golden wedding celebrations when they struck lucky.
BBC: Tommy and Carol Lisk
Retired coal miner Mr Lisk, 77, said he wanted to take his wife, 69, on the honeymoon they never had.
BBC: Tommy and Carol Lisk
Lisk, whom LaPierre later recommended for an NRA job, remembers LaPierre as "a person that people gravitated toward" at the organization.
NPR: NRA's LaPierre: Wonk With Million-Dollar Megaphone
"We feel there's going to be a gradual increase in demand" for lumber, said Jeff Lisk, a general manager of the Hamburg, N.
WSJ: Logging Towns Are on a Roll
"It will be a honeymoon 50 years late because we had no money to go away when we got married, " said Mr Lisk.
BBC: Tommy and Carol Lisk
"There's one condition - it has to be in view of the British Legion club where I spend a lot of my time, " added Mr Lisk.
BBC: Tommy and Carol Lisk
"Wayne wanted to be liked, " says Lisk, noting that he'd send out for ice cream as the group's lobbyists met to decide which candidates would get campaign contributions.
NPR: NRA's LaPierre: Wonk With Million-Dollar Megaphone
The couple also plan to buy a holiday home in Cyprus, but Mr Lisk has no plans to swap his modest Citroen C3 car because he is "happy with it".
BBC: Tommy and Carol Lisk
Last year, the Big Lead's Jason Lisk demonstrated that by choosing five teams that were highly rated by Pomeroy or Jeff Sagarin but not by RPI, and five vastly preferred by RPI.
WSJ: New Mexico Basketball: We're No. 3 (or 36)!
As a teenager, LaPierre would take his young neighbor along to the bowling alley on Saturday mornings, and he'd hang out at Lisk's house to talk government with Lisk's father, who was on the city council.
NPR: NRA's LaPierre: Wonk With Million-Dollar Megaphone