Continue another mile and a half and you'll find Sydney's Little Italy on Norton Street, Leichhardt.
The city's liveliest summer patio district is in boho Little Italy on College West.
Growing up in New York City's Little Italy, Bobby De Niro always knew what he wanted to be.
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Cafe Italia, Bar Italia and Little Italy were empty in seconds, as people avoided the televised reminders of what had happened.
After a couple of incarnations, Lombardi's Pizza is still open in Little Italy after 100 years, usually with a long line snaking out the door.
In the early 1950s young Mr Andre went off to Phillips Academy in Andover, and then on to New York City where he shared a tiny, cold-water apartment in Little Italy with his old college room-mate, Hollis Frampton, a photographer.
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In recent decades, Jonathan Miller's controversial 1982 English National Opera production, filled with Mafioso in New York's Little Italy circa 1950, has been followed by concepts as goofy as relocating the action to "The Planet of the Apes" in a 2005 staging in Munich, Germany.
Mr Battisti denies these charges, but there is little doubt in Italy that his trial was fair.
Little wonder that Italy's recent conversion to rigour in its public-sector accounts has been greeted with leery scepticism.
Savour the flavour of Little India, Italy and Poland, or revel in the rare flora in High Park, the cool hipness of the Annex or the vibrance of The Village.
Unless the economy gets moving Italy has little hope of reducing its public-debt mountain.
Of course the markets may just decide to bypass Spain and really test the resolve of the ECB and EZ and leave little Spain and attack Italy.
What is interesting is how the Craze seems to have followed the fault-lines of the Reformation: Catholic countries which had little major threat from Protestantism, such as Italy and Spain, saw very little witch-hunting while those in the front-line of the religious struggles of the time, like Germany and France, saw the most.
In that sense, Italy is a little like the US - its sheer size gives it more wiggle room and raises the bar for failure.
They help explain why Italy attracts comparatively little foreign investment.
The iShares MSCI Italy got a little bounce after the election, but I suggest keeping your powder dry until we see a little action to accompany the campaign rhetoric.
But some economists reckon that Italy in fact has little scope for cutting rates.
On defence, although like many other European countries Italy still spends too little, it has in the past few years made a useful contribution in places such as Kosovo and Afghanistan as well as in Iraq.
From Libya to Italy by water is a little farther than from Washington to New York.
The Bank of Italy, which has said little in public over the affair, said it realised the "true nature" of the contracts late last year after the new management's discovery.
Italy and Spain each buy a little over 10% of their oil from Tehran.
There is no big plan, however, to address Italy's main problem - little or no growth for the past decade.
"The mood is a little bit afraid, " said Marco Volponi of Italy's Civil Protection agency.
Or to put it another way, investors are now a little more anxious about lending to Spain than to Italy.
Mr. Monti sometimes acts as if he believes simply not being Silvio Berlusconi automatically gives him the moral authority to demand Germany underwrite Italy's debts while offering very little in return.
In 2007, the appearance of padlocks in the Italian film Ho Voglia di Te gave the tradition a boost, with reports of lovers' padlocks in Latvia, Russia, Korea, Italy and, some might say a little less glamorously, Southport.
As Italy goes to the polls, there appears little prospect of any new government directly addressing the issue.