Reality, officials in Berlin say, will give the French president very little room for manoeuvre.
Authorities say rescue operations are advancing slowly because there is little room for manoeuvre.
There's little room to customize Windows Phone 8 other than bundling some applications and settings.
ENGADGET: HTC Windows Phone 8X for AT&T: what's different? Mobile
He has said no to a political or technocratic government, leaving little room to negotiate.
But despite the improvements, capacity now remains locked at 45, 362 with little room for further extension.
But, with American domestic support for the war falling away, they have little room for manoeuvre.
Mr Rajoy wants to cut taxes to boost growth, but there is little room.
Supply is permanently constrained in such areas because there is little room to build.
To do so leaves little room for comfort in the hearts of concerned anti-Islamists today.
This leaves little room for tools to maneuver and even less room for error.
This time, however, with little room left for stalling, it may have a price.
Government funding of our current school system leaves little room for innovation or competition by private schools.
The three-month campaign had offered little room for subtle policy debate, said candidates, political consultants and voters.
Mr Hussein will find that he has little room to wriggle now that the countdown has begun.
Little room to manoeuvre, little time in which to act, and very few opportunities to please everyone.
On the face of it, the economy now has little room to grow quickly without sparking inflation.
There is little room for error, however, especially in the middle of the current season for reporting earnings.
It is a risky experience racing 900-horsepower cars through the streets of Monaco with little room for error.
Immediate demands and needs are not negotiable and leave little room for error.
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But in this area of appropriation, there should be little room for negotiation.
In Japan Toyota has 42% of the market and little room to grow.
In the short term, it means that there is little room for dramatic fiscal changes for several years ahead.
Emerging economies from which capital is fleeing have little room to boost spending.
However the significant debt balance leaves the company with little room for error.
The remit leaves little room for manoeuvre and the conclusions are wearily predictable.
As it makes the tricky transition from demonstration-scale production to commercial-scale manufacturing, it has little room for execution error.
However, when things are on the decline, there is little room for error.
Moreover, there is little room for either short-or long-term interest rates to fall.
But the RBI also cautioned that it had little room for further rate reductions as price pressures were still high.
Family relationships are tough: the effort involved in scratching a meagre living from unco-operative soil leaves little room for feelings.