They come from countries with little tradition of involvement in politics.
Online dating hasn't really taken off in India, mainly because most marriages are arranged and there is little tradition of dating, according to Anupam Saxena, a correspondent for Medianama, which provides news and analysis on India's digital landscape.
In this episode, Quest delves a little deeper into tradition to unearth the ingredients that make this time of year such an irresistible wave of fun and festivity.
Since that day, there has been very little doubt that the tradition would continue here in Detroit.
It would also have to work out how to run a vast country with little infrastructure, no tradition of private property and a mere 57, 000 people.
Some Republicans have tried to extend the Buckley tradition, but to little effect.
In the 1930s his politics might best be described as populist, a political tradition that pitted the little man against big business and privileged establishments.
The higher tariff is proving little match for age-old tradition.
Little Plume explains in the Native American tradition, the eagle is sacred.
But he has little in common with the turbanned scholars of Egyptian tradition, or the fiery militant preachers of the 1980s.
ECONOMIST: A reassuring message from Egypt's Muslim militants
He spends too much time quoting obscure reviewers and reciting minor academic quarrels, and says too little about Trevor-Roper's place in the great tradition of British historians.
More likely, it was the shakeup that Gainsbourg inflicted on the tradition of the chanson, which the movie has little time to explore, and which would, in any case, be hard for outsiders to grasp.
And another study led by Stuckler found that in Finland, where there is a long tradition of such programs, suicide rates increased by little to none during the recessions of the early 90s and in the past few years.
The budget process was criticized for continuing Albany's tradition of closed-door negotiations among top leaders with little if any real role for rank-and-file lawmakers, who under a budget reform law were supposed to hash out spending agreements in public.
Nearby were sacks of mugwort, yarrow and bee balm, all of which Mr. Hunt uses to make a little-known style of beer called gruit, brewed in a centuries-old tradition, without hops.
Others admit that since sharia is more of a tradition and form of practice than a code, trying to define it makes little practical sense.
I've always found it funny that we prefer to eat this way, with little regard for culinary borders, but once the restaurant doors open, we revert to serving a cuisine hampered by tradition.