If you live in a house, pay just as much attention to the back door and windows.
No one can live in a house that lacks basic toilet facilities.
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When the Real World and Big Brother first hit small screens, everyone was amazed and aghast that a bunch of people would be willing to live in a house surrounded by cameras 24 hours a day.
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It also led to a big reduction in poverty: children living in these communities were 5 percent less likely to live in poverty and 15 percent less likely to live in a house that received welfare benefits.
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"The story itself revolves around six or seven kids who live in a beach house in Santa Monica, " Collins says.
Valerie has an alpha-male job in the City, just like her husband, and they live in a big house in Wimbledon.
Companies must be willing to live in a glass house and adjust their business strategies in near-realtime.
Two classical musicians, Jan and Eva Rosenberg (Max von Sydow and Liv Ullmann), have abandoned their careers to live in a stone house on a remote island, in rural, romantic refuge from a military conflict on the mainland.
We probably live in a smaller house now and would sell them on Ebay.
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We regard it as perfectly acceptable that some people can afford to pay more to drive a nicer car or live in a larger house.
After watching a movie that showed wealthy kids living in pristine, white houses, "Our daughters wanted to know if we were poor because we live in a brown house, " she said.
The adult pilot shows include Alpha House, about four senators who live together in a rented house in Washington DC and stars John Goodman, who was recently in Oscar-winning film Argo.
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You can only drive one car at a time, live in one house at a time, be on one paradise island at a time.
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With their daughters Nadia, 8, and Anja, 6, Scott and Claudia Sheppard live in a modest-sized house in a wooded area a few miles from downtown Chapel Hill.
Then I use Zillow.com to see if they live in a fancier or costlier house than I live in.
Today, the three family members live in a small ranch house in the resort-retirement community of Cape Coral, Fla.
When you live by yourself in a house that you very rarely leave and is even more rarely visited, it's essential that you don't lose track of the time.
Currently governor of the Bank of Canada, Mr Carney, his English wife and four children live in a large family house a short distance from his office in Ottawa.
But the produce comes from the ranch of owners Catherine and Joe Bartolomei (sister and brother, not husband and wife) just up the road in Forestville, and a quartet of chickens roam the property. (Granted, they live in a peaked-roof house well padded with straw and furnished with a heat lamp.) Then there is that quintessential inn amenity, a house cat.
My parents are both professors and they now live in a brand new four-bedroom house in an upper-middle-class suburb in Philadelphia.
In Manningham, there is excited discussion about another group, who are said to live ten to a house in conditions of squalor.
One man told us that he had left his job and his house in this city, a comfortable job and house, to take his five children to live in a tent that he had saved from the last refugee crisis in 1991, thinking they might need it again.
Treat (Ben Foster) and Phillip (Tom Sturridge) live together in a crumbling row house in Philadelphia.
The incoming bishop, the Venerable Christopher Lowson, will instead live in a five-bedroom house nearby.
Time Inc. writers and editors will live in the house for a year, blogging and writing about rebuilding Detroit (presumably not in their pajamas).
"People who can't afford to buy yet will live in a loft or apartment downtown and rent a house in the Hollywood Hills with friends as a weekend place, " explained Smith.