At the end of the street where I live in the Latin Quarter of the Parisian Left Bank, there is an exquisite botanical garden, the world famous Jardin des Plantes, rightly celebrated by the French as the home of botany.
The centre of the live music scene is Sixth Street, arguably the densest concentration of live music anywhere in America.
The volunteer-run event was held over three days in the centre of the market town, with street dancing and live music.
The story concerns two boys who live in neighbouring homes One North African, the other Maltese, they were once playing football in the street.
The residences that line her street, where fellow artists Gilbert and George also live, were built in 1729 for the Huguenot silk weavers who had settled in London and as such are Grade II listed and protected.
Handy park in the middle of Beale Street often hosts live outdoor concerts, and the charming minor league stadium for the Tennessee Redbirds is a two minute walk away and a great way to spend an afternoon.
It's like seeing Angelina Jolie on the street and yelping "CLOONEY OWNS YOUR LIVE-IN BOYFRIEND!"
Nightlife is a big draw, whether boozing on Bourbon Street or spilling out of a live music joint in the small hours.
It is very popular to live in downtown Austin near the music venues, bars and restaurants of Sixth Street and there are many apartments and condos in the surrounding area.
Memorial services were held in New York City, which The Wall Street Journal blogged live.
She was accused of nimbyism and blamed for gentrification, but no one was more disappointed than she was to discover, in the 1990s, that she could no longer afford to live on Hudson Street.
We live in a complex world, and this set of events is a huge disgrace for Wall Street and much of the financial industry.
The Czech Republic has banned Google from expanding the service, and the news sparked an online privacy debate in Germany, where Google is allowing people to opt out of Street View before the images go live.
In Hackney -- voted Britain's worst place to live by Channel 4 in 2006 -- a recently refurbished theatre and new boutique cinema flourish alongside the Vietnamese restaurants dotting Mare Street, just hundreds of feet from an area previously known as Murder Mile for a string of gangland killings which took place around 2000.