He toured his district with a PowerPoint presentation and invited news crews to document how Republicans could challenge Democrats on a sacrosanct policy issue and live to tell about it.
At its core, the MIX is designed to demonstrate that there really are alternatives to the status quo and that you can challenge management orthodoxy, and live to tell about it.
The B15 is IP67 certified, which means both protected from dust and waterproof up to 3.3 feet for 30 minutes and can be dropped from about six feet and live to tell the tale -- you, however, may not.
ENGADGET: Caterpillar CAT B15 rugged smartphone hands-on Hands-on
He testified that he wrote the book for two reasons: He needed the money, and he believed Edwards did not live up to a promise to tell the truth.
Many folks may tell you to live with it and get on with your life.
FORBES: Broker Wins Expungement of Sleeping Dog Customer Complaint
We live in times in which arenas literally have to tell their audiences to GET LOUD.
No matter where in the world they live, for example, children all begin to tell lies at about the same age and for similar reasons (for example, to avoid getting into trouble).
Yet too much and he will lose those who backed him precisely because he was ready to tell the French that they could not live beyond their means.
"There's still lots and lots of things to do and I'm not going to tell you that if you come and live in Caia Park, you'll be living in Utopia, you're not, " she said.
BBC: Communities First anti-poverty scheme shake-up concerns
"I think all you need to tell the stories that I have told is to live the life that I have lived and keep your eyes and senses open and working, " he once said.
Gen. (ret.) Moshe (Bogie) Ya'alon has taken it upon himself to tell the Israeli public the truth about the world we live in.
Tell them to bring our troops back so we can all live in peace.
And Carhart, unlike some of Live Action's other targets, did tell them that it is illegal to kill an infant after birth (while also assuring them that his procedures posed no possibility of a live birth).
Being based in New York City sends a different message from being based in Connecticut, and both tell a vastly different story from having chucked it all to live on a ranch in Montana.
FORBES: Personal Branding Around Communities and Political Beliefs
There is nothing that drives me crazier than people of a certain age endlessly talking about their ailments, so I will not tell you about mine except to say that I am grateful to live in a time when there are a variety of medications to alleviate them.
FORBES: California Judge Thinks Mike's Lemonade Is Beer ? Go Figure !
Parenting styles are philosophies and no one is better then the other, You have to raise the child for the environment they will live in, Why don't we just get over to other foreign places and tell them Large Game hunting is child endangerment not a right of passage!
FORBES: Video Of Dad Shooting Daughter's Laptop Goes Viral - But Is It Child Abuse?
At first he denied it and what we decided to do was go live with the story about this individual on our website and basically tell everyone as much as we knew about this individual to try to expose him, put an end to his operations.
Given that we live in a mostly free market, an economist would tell you the natural thing would be to increase the price, which is what usually happens to commodities when demand outstrips supply.
FORBES: Whiskey Or Water? Marketing Nightmare As Bourbon Fans Incensed Over Choice
"Other doctors will tell you you've got six to nine months, maybe a year to live, " says Dr. Henry Friedman, the center's director.
Churchill might tell me something about the art of statecraft, or Fry about the pressures of fame and the joy of words, but someone closer to home, with a life more like mine and challenges more like mine, will tell me far more about a life with mental health difficulty and how best to live it.
Tell them about all the young immigrants in this country who will no longer have to live in fear of being deported from the only country they have ever called home.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- La Jolla, CA