The program pays for your travel to an assignment and provides a modest living allowance.
The bill would also replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) with a personal independence payment.
The Personal Independence Payment (PIP) will replace the existing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in April.
The false payments related to disability living allowance, carer's allowance, tax credits and housing and council tax benefit.
Changes to Disability Living Allowance (DLA) are expected to have the biggest impact on people in Northern Ireland.
The changes will impact on thousands in NI and affect disability living allowance, housing benefit and employment support.
All households with a disability living allowance claimant will be exempted from this measure, as would war widows.
The changes will impact on thousands in Northern Ireland and affect disability living allowance, housing benefit and employment support.
It will also effectively wipe out the cost of living allowance save for potential increases once every five years.
The new bill will include changes to payments such as housing benefit, Jobseeker's allowance and disability living allowance (DLA).
People on Disability Living Allowance (and the Personal Independence Payment replacing it) will be among those exempt from the cap.
The bill replaces the Disability Living Allowance and tax credits with a disability addition on top of the new universal credit.
The new benefit will replace the existing disability living allowance in April.
Disability Living Allowance will start to be replaced for new claimants in the north of England from today by the Personal Independence Payment.
BBC: Minister responds to disability benefit reform concerns
These included disability living allowance and carers' allowance, as well as child tax credits claimed by falsely saying other children were living with her.
Most of the panellists expressed concerns about the loss of passported benefits, which arise at present if a person is awarded Disability Living Allowance.
The disability living allowance (DLA) is being replaced with Personal Independence Payments (PIP), which require up-front medical tests and regular health re-assessments for claimants.
Disability living allowance, however, is expected to remain separate, with the new system allowing carers to take part-time or short-term work without losing their benefits.
BBC: Welfare reform will restore fairness, says Duncan Smith
Lu suggested the government adjust the basic living allowance and food subsidies for university students every three months according to changes in the consumer price index.
The government has already delayed a proposal to remove money designed to fund travel for disabled people in residential care from the existing Disability Living Allowance.
The changes will impact on thousands of people in Northern Ireland, affecting those in receipt of payments such as disability living allowance, housing benefit and employment support.
Under austerity measures introduced thus far, civil servants have taken an average 10% cut in pay, VAT has been increased and the cost of living allowance has been suspended.
Monday's vote was the latest in a series of defeats for the government's flagship Welfare Reform Bill - peers also voted down changes to ESA and Disability Living Allowance.
There are now 3.2m people claiming Disability Living Allowance.
Now, in terms of the COLA, the formula -- COLA stands for Cost of Living Allowance, so it's put in place to make sure that Social Security is keeping up with inflation.
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It mustered a 16 vote majority against Crossbencher Lady Grey Thompson's amendment calling for an independent study and pilot programmes before the new Personal Independence Payment for disabled people replaces Disability Living Allowance.
He said there were already exemptions to the cap - such as families in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Working Tax Credit - and outlined "transitional arrangements" to minimise the impact.
Peers rejected a proposals to require a new assessment regime for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to be trialled before it is rolled out to all two million claimants, by 229 votes to 213, majority 16.
It also introduces tougher sanctions for those who refuse work and replaces the disability living allowance with a new Personal Independence Payment, which requires claimants to go through regular assessments of how their condition affects them.
The UK government has said the Welfare Reform Bill would save billions of pounds by replacing Disability Living Allowance with a personal independence payment and replacing a range of other benefits with a single universal credit.