They wish to see a move away from centralized curriculum control to regional, provincial and even local control.
"This is an unprecedented loss of local control and we were not going to stand for it, " Ms. Crossin said.
At sundry times across disparate cultures, rare pockets of wealth and spurts of progress proliferated overwhelmingly under limited, local control.
But the dormant Commerce Clause runs smack into the principles of states' rights and local control that conservatives normally support.
Suddenly, the old issues of race and local control seemed less pressing, and co-operation between city and suburbs more appealing.
However, the plan is not popular in Washington, where detractors say national standards will diminish state and local control over schools.
National or local control to be established over our own waters through "zonal management, coastal management or in some other way".
To clear up the mess, it said, the regional government offices, Whitehall's provincial outposts, should be beefed up to exert more local control.
Under Cuomo, the department has taken much of the local control away from regional spokesmen and given it to the central office in Albany.
Other rulings, a 1995 case in Missouri and a 2001 case from North Carolina, clarify and ease the return of schools to local control.
This landmark Act increases accountability for federal agencies responsible for public safety in Indian Country and gives greater local control to Tribal law enforcement agencies.
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Her immediate predecessor, Abdurrahman Wahid, tried to ease separatist pressures by introducing greater local autonomy and more local control over tax revenues from natural resources.
Meanwhile a separate proposal, this time from the government, to give greater local control over health care, was debated in the House of Commons this week.
They include the possibility of a "hypothecated" NHS tax, greater local control of public services and encouraging public service workers to set up co-operatives to provide services.
The lack of local control implied by that arrangement may prove controversial, as could another ULI recommendation, a new board to oversee the management of the city government's finances.
Parks that mostly serve local visitors "should be realigned" to allow local control, while some with broader appeal could be managed differently, said the commission, whose reports are often considered by lawmakers.
The federal government controls millions of acres in the West, and some folks believe the feds have reneged on a promise to turn over large swaths to local control once statehood was achieved.
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David McLetchie (Leader of the Scottish Conservative Party) said the only way to restore local control over fisheries was to vote Conservative at the next election as the General Election would precede any referendum.
"The federal criminal justice system is simply not equipped to handle local crimes, and this is the primary reason that tribes seek local control over these crimes that are plaguing our communities, " the letter said.
We want to include 52 skills in one grade level curriculum, in a shorter school day, with local control over standards, with randomly qualified instructors, with varying materials and instructional approaches AND still use a standardized measure of competence.
After a summer of heavy casualties for British forces and amid some calls for troops to pull out of Afghanistan, Mr Brown said on Monday that he hoped control of some districts could be handed to local control from 2010.
Academies, free schools and others outside of local authority control will not be affected.
The government said the PAC recognised the success of academies, which operate outside local authority control.
But local Labour councillors who control their local authorities also find themselves in the role of the employer.
Mr Miliband also rejected calls to back a return to local authority control for free schools and academies.
Calum Macleod's road, between Bochel Castle and Arnish on Raasay, was taken into local authority control in 1982.
When schools become academies, they become semi-independent and outside of local authority control.
They are funded by central government and are not in local authority control.
The other, St Mary's Primary in Dunblane, is fighting moves under new legislation to return it to local authority control.