Leaders from several countries have offered troops or logistical support for the offensive.
The army is to be deployed to provide transport and other logistical support for the resettlement programme, the television reported.
President Clinton has said the U.S. might offer logistical support for joint military action -- such as helicopters -- but no troops.
Those talks, however, are foundering over the issue of who would control the U.S. troops that would provide logistical support for the center.
The feds says KBR and its subcontractors used the private armed security between 2003 and 2006 while providing logistical support for U.S. troops in Iraq.
Leaders from a number of countries, including NATO allies the United States and Canada, have said they'll send troops or provide logistical support for the fight against Islamist militants in the West African nation.
Others, such as Italy, are promising "logistical support" for the operation.
French and American military leaders have offered varying degrees of logistical and diplomatic support for the mission.
It owns and runs some British defence facilities, including the Devonport naval shipyard, provides logistical support and maintains submarines for the Royal Navy.
Italy said it is "ready for a logistical support operation" in Mali, Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi told a senate hearing on international missions Wednesday.
Italy also said it is "ready for a logistical support operation" in Mali, Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi told a senate hearing on international missions Wednesday.
He also backs maintaining "a residual force" for training and logistical support.
Several Coast Guard cutters are already there providing everything from basic services like water, to vital technical support for this massive logistical operation.
The total number of U.S. military personnel deployed for this mission, including those providing logistical and support functions, is approximately 79.
WHITEHOUSE: Letter from the President -- War Powers Resolution
The total number of U.S. military personnel deployed for this mission, including those providing logistical and support functions, is approximately 90.
The Afghan National Security Forces have improved but cannot function without international enablers -- in areas such as air support, medevac, intelligence and logistical assets and maintenance -- for several years to come.
CNN: Karzai visit a time for tough talk on security, corruption
However, Judge Lussick said in return for a constant flow of diamonds, Taylor provided arms and both logistical and moral support to the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) rebels - prolonging the conflict and the suffering of the people of Sierra Leone.
General Musharraf confirmed that the US had asked Pakistan for "intelligence and information" as well as the use of Pakistan's airspace and "logistical support".