This regulates the metabolism of a group of molecules called long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Omega-3 is a long-chain fatty acid critical for brain structure and function.
Only living organisms, they argue, could have formed the crystals' long-chain structures.
Yet another problem the lipid biologists have is with the amount of long-chain omega-3s that the EFSA has recommended it is desirable to consume.
ECONOMIST: The way health claims about food are regulated is changing
One is that a product can now claim to be high in long-chain omega-3s, yet be of questionable value because it also contains high levels of omega-6 fatty acids.
ECONOMIST: The way health claims about food are regulated is changing
The problem, in the group's view, is that companies are now allowed to claim that a product is rich in omega-3s irrespective of whether these are long-chain or short-chain molecules.
ECONOMIST: The way health claims about food are regulated is changing
Ironically, it is precisely because long-chain omega-3s offer such large health benefits that scientists feel that they are obliged to stand up and challenge the authority, for this is a decision that could affect the health of a generation.
ECONOMIST: The way health claims about food are regulated is changing
Albert Flynn, the chairman of the EFSA panel, says this point will be resolved when a product requires authorisation for a health claim derived from its omega-3 content, as only those products containing long-chain omega-3s are likely to be able to provide any evidence to support such claims.
ECONOMIST: The way health claims about food are regulated is changing
Bake in searing Florida sun and serve on 45 islands scattershot over a 113-mile-long chain, connected by one long road.
Indeed, tiny Port Lincoln is at one end of a 5, 000-mile-long supply chain that ends in some of the finest restaurants in Tokyo.
The Florida Keys, a 113-mile-long chain of islands, is one of the five suggestions in Lonely Planet's top five day trips from Miami, but the laid-back streets feel more like they belong in the Caribbean.
Wishbook, the size of a Flintstone steak, touched off a months-long chain of daydreams and fantasies about lives lived in different futures: A Ted Williams first baseman's mitt could send your fate branching off in one direction, or so it seemed, a Coleman camp stove or Roman legionnaire's sword along other avenues entirely.
Hayne has also done well, returning to the helm of his trendy clothing chain after long-time CEO Glen Senk resigned in January 2012.
The baroque drop-shaped natural pearl weighing 239.7 grains (59.92 carats) is set with a diamond foliate surmount and comes with a 42-cm. long diamond chain.
Could Ralph Lauren -- the brand atop the long, integrated supply chain that takes apparel ideas from conception all the way to the consumer -- have forgone use of the Chinese factories that do most of the brand's cutting and sewing operations and, instead, contracted with U.S. factories for the Olympic uniform project?
In 2004 the London-based Red Carnation boutique hotel chain took over the resort and started a long-term upgrade.
FORBES: South African Boutique Resort Offers Rock Art and Mystery
Instead of a months-long back-and-forth process, Marshall-Chapman speeds up the chain of command.
The first in a long chain of shoes dropping as the crowd-funding dream slowly transforms into a nightmare?
Then, they reach a parking area and take a quarter-mile-long path toward the mountains that leads to a couple of acres of ground enclosed by an eight-foot chain-link fence.
The young Marines stationed here made a long human chain and spent more than an hour in 120-degree heat offloading bottles of water from the trucks.
Helping secure Africa from turmoil would go a long way toward opening up a non-terrorist-funding oil supply chain on our way to a more ecologically-savvy future.
What could help more in the long term is deciding whether the chain will continue catering to middle-aged suburbanites who buy Martha Stewart sheets or twenty-somethings buying colorful Joe Fresh tees.
FORBES: As J.C. Penney Battles Macy's For Martha Stewart, Experts Ask: Is She Worth It?
"To prevent further tragedies, long-term solutions must be developed to promote greater transparency along the supply chain, coupled with the need to ensure enforcement of the rule of law when it matters the most, " he adds.
Earlier this month, the company announced a long-planned venture to jointly build wholesale outlets in India and a nationwide supply chain with local partner Bharti Enterprises (See "Wal-Mart Inks Deal To Enter India").
There is a spiritual as well as practical dimension to this - with ubuntu reflecting the idea that we're part of a long chain of human experience, connecting us to previous and future generations.
In the early days of FORBES magazine, which was founded 90 years ago, "network" referred to a chain of radio stations hooked up by wire--and, long before that, to intersecting roads, canals, railways and telegraph lines.
Melanie Leech, director general of industry body the Food and Drink Federation, said the importance of the strategy was "long recognised" and it "marks an important milestone towards a joined-up approach across the food chain".
The clothing store chain said its team in Bangladesh had been "working to put in place immediate and long-term help for victims of this disaster".
Referring to previous 'cash-for-favours' claims, Mr Collins said the smallpox contract could be "another coincidence in a long chain of coincidences after Mittal, Enron and Formula One".
He still likes the long-term outlook in the growing Chinese market, applauding the company's plan to ramp up its Pizza Hut chain to 150 pizza delivery outlets by 2008 from 25 today.