• The new map is a smart byproduct of the European Space Agency (Esa) telescope's main mission which is to survey the Cosmic Microwave Background, or CMB - a pervasive but faint glow of long-wavelength radiation that comes to us from the very edge of the observable Universe.

    BBC: Planck telescope: A map of all the 'stuff' in the cosmos

  • In two of the trials, the box was dark for 12 minutes and then illuminated for 48 minutes with either long-wavelength red light or short-wavelength blue light directed at the subjects' corneas. (Light color is determined by its wavelength.) The box was dark in a control experiment.

    WSJ: The Secret to An Afternoon Energy Boost: Red Lighting

  • They created a material that excluded light with a wavelength of one millimetre (the long end of the infra-red spectrum), using an array of aluminium-oxide posts that were spaced evenly across a grid.

    ECONOMIST: New-age crystals

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