To get to the promised land there has been constant dilution of long suffering shareholders to keep this company afloat.
Launch of iRadio would be welcome news for long suffering Apple shareholders.
Paul Baker is the latest businessman to try to transform the fortunes of the cash stricken south coast club and their long suffering fans.
Some, like Hillary Cook of Barclays Stockbrokers, believe long suffering shareholders should use this as an opportunity to pocket some cash by doing nothing and allowing their rights to lapse.
This time, however, under brandy new CEO Meg Whitman, VJ was shown the door, and Todd Bradley, long suffering head of PSG, got the nod to run the combined show.
Long suffering readers will remember that VIG, which requires its stock holdings to have at least 10 years of consecutive dividend increases, is my favorite ETF for long-term portfolio growth and a core holding of my ETF portfolios.
The Washington Generals were the Globetrotters' regular, long-suffering opponents in a long-running series of comic exhibition games.
Sadly this includes long-suffering old industrial cities such as our last-placed big metro area, Newark-Union, N.
For long-suffering New York teachers, however, the settlement is likely to prove a pyrrhic victory.
James Dines is a long-suffering gold bug and editor of The Dines Letter.
Smit was also keen to dedicate the win to the long-suffering South Africa fans.
The dishonour would come from abandoning Iraq's long-suffering people for the sake of a deadline.
Her long-suffering husband Denis was given a baronetcy, which is a sort of hereditary knighthood.
When new News Corp. management takes over, it ought to do something for its long-suffering shareholders.
Taylor says he wants to help to reward the long-suffering Newcastle fans for their loyalty.
That spells trouble for a long-suffering country has, until now, been making a remarkable recovery.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A new terrorist state on the horizon?
She lives in Brooklyn with her long-suffering partner, Harold, and their two spoiled dogs, Max and Vickie.
All of this must be balanced against the demands of tutors, supervisions, essays, exams and long-suffering girlfriends.
The company he took over was a wreck: ancient recipes, a barely functioning call center, nine long-suffering franchisees.
My long-suffering partner, Brian Davis, has been hit by a ball during a pro-am on four separate occasions.
Mick Riding, 54, from Newcastle, was nominated by his "long-suffering wife" Annette, with who he has two children.
BBC: North East Olympic torchbearing hopefuls receive offers
We give thanks for the work of Senator George Mitchell, who was brilliant and unbelievably patient and long-suffering.
Unfortunately for South Korea's long-suffering public, the mess does not look to end once the election comes round.
Richard Bove, an analyst at Ladenburg Thalmann, was convinced that the long-suffering company had reached a turning point.
Now, bankers believe that consolidation will make life easier for their long-suffering customers.
The front man, his loan funded by the long-suffering Swansea fans, rose to meet a cross and headed home.
Well, great news to all those long-suffering up-and-comers: Now you can pay to have your music rejected by industry executives!
Miss Coen described Mr Miller as a "long-suffering young man" who "wanted a quiet night in" when they got home.
Even Florida judge Charles Burton, the long-suffering head of the Palm Beach canvassing board, flew up to see the show.
But most have a good distance still to go before they can hope to make their long-suffering investors really happy.