Popkin and his team based their estimate on a 20-year longitudinal study that included more than 5, 100 participants.
The Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Ageing followed the health of 1, 686 elderly people between 1980 and 1995.
Researchers tracked the psychological well-being of 10, 000 people aged 50 to 100 over nine years as part of the university's English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.
The University of Michigan's Longitudinal Study of American Youth found last year that married men are cooking 34 meals a month, almost as many as their wives.
One night in March, Gonzaga invited me to observe a session that was part of a five-year longitudinal study he is conducting of three hundred and one married couples.
In 2000, as it happened, I was already familiar, in a glancing sort of way, with a longitudinal study that followed the lives of two hundred and sixty-eight men who graduated from Harvard in the years around 1940.
And of course even when that high minded (and might I say single with no kids) individual committed their principles to action I would want to wait for the longitudinal study to come in before changing my consumption patterns.
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Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology recently conducted a longitudinal study of follow predictors on Twitter and found that those who were positive and provided informational content gained more followers than those who were negative and shared content about themselves.
FORBES: Grow Your Twitter Followers By Being Nice And Informative
But then, as that longitudinal Harvard study would have put it, I was able to adjust to that setback.
The prominent National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study, for instance, relied on a sample recruited entirely at lesbian events, in women's bookstores and through lesbian newspapers.
WSJ: Nelson Lund: A Social Experiment Without Science Behind It
Here, a study called the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey has been going on since 1983.
In 2008 another economist Anderson Stanciole analyzed longitudinal data from the U.S. Panel Study of Income Dynamics.
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