And part of any thoughtful preplanning should be identifying incentives that encourage states and localities to put in place measures that mitigate the risk of needless lossoflifeandproperty.
This may explain the element of surprise so rampant when Hurricane Katrina broke through the levees in New Orleans in 2005, flooding the city and causing a terrible lossoflifeandproperty.
In recent days Japanese media have been dutifully and solemnly carrying memorials and documentaries on the disaster, which are today reaching a crescendo of often mind-numbing pathos as the lossoflifeandproperty, and the turmoil caused in so many lives, is recounted and grieved.
In addition to water treatment and recycling, China has already initiated programs to limit the lossof human lifeandproperty damage caused by flash floods.
The United States Coast Guard continues to collaborate with organizations and governments across our country to prevent lossoflife, personal harm, andproperty damage associated with unsafe recreational boating.
Speaking after Grenfell was jailed for murder, West of Scotland procurator fiscal John Dunn said the case involved the tragic and "needless lossoflifeof a man who was simply trying to protect his property".