The Gulf Arabs are loth to cough up the cash they promised to support the rebels.
It is loth to help Polish farmers if that would mean less generosity to French ones.
But even Major Qetrani seems loth to wage all-out war against Colonel Qaddafi's forces.
But powerful soldiers in Rwanda's army are apparently loth to hand Mr Nkunda over.
He helped to pass ethics and campaign-finance reforms in a state loth to do so.
Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority, has been loth to make this pronouncement.
With municipal elections due this month, legislators will be loth to take these unpopular steps.
The fastest-growing new members will probably soon be loth to subsidise their less competitive neighbours.
Many such countries have been loth to tap the fund because of the stigma involved.
He may be loth to risk his popularity at the peak of his powers.
Fearful of rising unemployment, it has been loth to let insolvent companies go bust.
America is loth to give ground on bananas and beef following its hard-won legal victories.
During booms, governments are loth to take the punchbowl away, at least until the next election.
No wonder, then, that Europe's central bankers are loth to cut interest rates further.
Worse still, the markets are loth to lend to Japanese banks even in yen.
The Kremlin is clearly loth to see another Muslim-majority region descend into anarchic violence.
Institutions may be loth to invest in a fund that is, in essence, a one-man show.
His heart was weak, but he was loth to go through the surgery he needed.
In an election year, congressmen are loth to support anything that smacks of foreign aid.
But in his second term, since 1995, he has appeared loth to add to that record.
Even some secular Israelis would be loth to see it revert once more to Muslim control.
ECONOMIST: What would happen to Hebron under a two-state solution?
Once particular lines of communication have been established, people seem loth to abandon them.
The Congress party, which rules Maharashtra and heads the national coalition government, is loth to upset him.
But most governments are loth to put their citizens at the mercy of the world's imperfect markets.
Although minority stakes have been sold in state-run firms, the government is loth to give up control.
Cutting those fees has been difficult, since many investors are loth to part with familiar, time-tested benchmarks.
And some of America's allies are loth to hand over suspects who may be sentenced to death.
However, the Bank of Japan will be loth to allow the yen to strengthen by much more.
He may be loth to discuss other equally dodgy shipments of higher-quality arms to his own side.
And banks, many of them in government hands, are often loth to link up with new companies.