Tax cuts include incentives for small businesses, a one-year fix of the unpopular alternative-minimum tax and tax cuts for low-and-middle-income families, said Sen.
Green recognized that the retailer had strayed from its core demographic of low- and middle-income families looking for quality basics at a low price.
Pastor Gerald Taylor of the Texas Organizing Project, which is aimed at helping low- and middle-income families, would say the trade-off is rather one-sided.
The lack of a public option concerns liberal Democrats, who say the Baucus proposal will make required health insurance coverage too expensive for some of the low- and middle-income families it is intended to help.
CNN: Obama: Economy probably won't produce enough jobs until 2010
So these funds will be used to buy up and rehabilitate vacant and foreclosed homes and resell those homes with affordable mortgages -- and to provide mortgage assistance and rehabilitation loans for low-income and middle-income families.
The legislation expands the Medicaid program for low-income Americans and provides subsidies for middle-income families getting coverage through a state health insurance exchange.
Making sure that the things that most impact middle-class families and low-income families, that those were preserved -- that was a line in the sand.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on Tax Cuts and Unemployment Extension | The White House
"These new measures are good for low and middle-income families because they will help them make ends meet and get ahead, " Mr Swan said.
He will talk much of what he calls the "squeezed middle", the low and middle-income families feeling the pain of lower living standards and job insecurity as the economy stagnates.
Mr Rennie said Lib Dems in the UK government were working to get the economy back on track, including tax cuts for low and middle-income families, a green investment bank and an island fuel discount.
Senator CLINTON: To those who object to our government helping middle class families and low-income families devastated by the housing crisis, I say this.
Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of, a website that compiles data and provides financial advice for students, said the subsidies sometimes go to students from middle-class families who attend pricey colleges, and not just low-income students.