For the first time in history low-income earners would accumulate real liquid capital.
Hence these products threaten livelihoods of low-income earners and can even result in the death of those who cannot afford their food any more.
Bigger tax incentives for investment and a rebate for low-income earners seem likeliest, but there is no guarantee that either would boost spending anytime soon.
"I've seen many companies fold up because they focused on the rich and ignored the low-income earners, so when the economy was hard the companies took a big hit, " he said.
CNN: Small is beautiful: Slum traders spark big business trend
The government wants to encourage more voluntary pension saving especially among low-to-middle income earners through stakeholder pensions.
But there would be a government subsidy of up to DM400 a year to tempt low- and middle-income earners.
By the by, Mr Persson abruptly dropped his finance minister's proposal, made only a month ago, to reduce taxes for low-and middle-income earners.
Party chairman Grant Shapps suggested the Conservatives had been too "shy" about trumpeting what they had done to support low and middle-income earners in tough times.
BBC: Conservative conference: Cameron in benefit cuts warning
Opening the four-day conference, party chairman Grant Shapps suggested the Conservatives had been too "shy" about trumpeting what they had done to support low and middle-income earners in tough times.
BBC: Conservative conference: Cameron rules out 'mansion tax'
Previewing ideas he will set out in full with a speech on Tuesday to the independent Resolution Foundation - whose work is devoted to diagnosing the problems affecting low to middle income earners - Mr Boles proposes a philosophical shift that should guide the next round of spending cuts due for 2013 or 2014.
And many of the Lib Dem policies that have been accepted by the Tories, such as aiming to free low-earners from income-tax and contemplating cuts to NHS spending, are ones no centre-right party would struggle to swallow anyway.
Low-earners are helped most by those refundable credits, such as the earned income and child credits.
Personal income-tax rates are being cut at all levels, but by more for low earners, to encourage people to work.