• Another reason to like dividend stocks is they tend to be less volatile over time because yield provides support: a stock yielding 5% is less likely to get cut in half and yield 10% than a non-dividend paying growth stock or a low-yielding stock.

    FORBES: 5 Monthly Paying Dividend Stocks With Attractive Yields

  • There was an exodus of income investors who were forced out of the bond market by inflated bond prices and low yields, and into the stock market mostly dividend paying stocks.

    FORBES: Connect

  • It is a low-beta stock and it does have a good dividend.


  • Individual stock prices fluctuate between repetitive extremes of high dividend yield and low dividend yield.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • For those investors that can get out of their bunkers to do some stock picking, you might want to go for some high-quality, low-priced dividend stocks that will pay you to own them.

    FORBES: It Pays To Own These Three Stocks

  • One research company that has created a stock screen of dividend-growth stocks is Value Line, whose list includes stocks that are comparatively low-risk investment choices.

    FORBES: For The Wary Investors: Five Growth Stocks With Solid, Rising Dividend Yields

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