If the lump-of-labour argument were correct, you would expect to see that a high employment rate among the wrinklies would be offset by a low employment rate among the youngsters, and vice versa.
The centrepiece of Mr Monti's legislative programme is a reform of Italy's notoriously restrictive labour laws, which help to produce a woefully low employment rate (see chart).
An economic analysis for the commission highlighted an "exceptionally low" employment rate for people with schizophrenia of 7%, as well as disrupted education - because the illness often develops in young adulthood.
Most single mothers operate under extreme social and economic impediments -- triple the poverty rate of the rest of the population, the highest rate of low-wage employment, the worst wage gap, the lowest net worth, the highest risk of bankruptcy -- that add up to a massive inequality in American society.
Poland's employment rate is low (especially among older workers).
Because I see low costs of capital for corporations persisting along with a low tax rate and below average ratio of employment costs, earnings seem secure even in a below normal GDP setting of 2 percent.
It balances wages of low paid workers against employment prospects if the rate was set too high.
Low-earning women have a higher rate of employment instability because they tend to move in and out of jobs when they are forced to quit due to child-care arrangements falling through or having to deal with health issues of family members.
Other reasons include the depth of the recession and the continued slack in the economy evidenced by the low employment growth and the low capacity utilization rate.
The absence of conversion of a promising STEM education into employment opportunities and high-growth entrepreneurship contributes to an astonishingly low rate of job-creating, high-growth businesses and overall performance in the innovation ecosystem.
FORBES: Local Leadership Key in Inclusive Economic Competitiveness
That decision was a response to a U.S. unemployment rate stuck at 9.6 percent, a recent slowdown in already weak GDP growth, a decline in total employment in three of the past four months, a low and declining inflation rate, weak money growth, and fiscal policy off the table over deficit concerns.
Japan has always had an unusually low unemployment rate, never hitting over 5.3% partly because of its policy of guaranteed employment in urban areas that forces workers to share jobs to keep more people employed.