In December 2011, the lower house of the Czech parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, approved an amendment to the constitution allowing for direct presidential elections.
In other words, if Berlin wants to pass decision-making power to Brussels, it has to do so by passing a law in the lower house of the German parliament and having it approved in the upper house.
The lower house of the Irish parliament voted through the legislation by 113 to 36.
The other is Bronislaw Komorowski, the speaker of the lower house of the Polish parliament, who has been acting president since the crash.
But the nominee must win a vote of confidence from the lower house of parliament, the Sejm, with an absolute majority of its members.
Members of the lower house of parliament in the Netherlands agree with Mr Knight's suggestion that slaughter without stunning is "unacceptable".
Ms. Swaraj, who is the leader of opposition in the lower house of Parliament, said the government has accepted most of the changes her party has suggested in the bill.
Mr Komorowski is also speaker of the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliament.
ECONOMIST: Poland's President Lech Kaczynski dies in a plane crash
Julia Gillard, the prime minister of Australia, scored a political victory when the lower house of parliament passed the controversial Minerals Resource Rent Tax, which will subject mining companies to a higher levy on annual profits.
Yet, signals of waning commitment to our missile defense agreements have recently caused the lower house of the Czech parliament to refuse ratification of our latest agreement despite its passage in their senate.
One was to reduce the number of elected representatives in the lower house of parliament from 70 to 38, with the number of nominated and indirectly elected members in the upper house to be increased from 35 to 67.
He was elected to the lower house of the Indian parliament in 1992 by a borough of New Delhi.
All parties represented in the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliament, are now ostensibly in favour of holding an early parliamentary election.
As leader of the lower house of parliament, Mr Cavalcanti is third in line to the presidency.
In Pakistan, 60 of the 342 seats in the lower house of parliament, known as the National Assembly, are reserved for women.
The decree must first be approved by the lower house of parliament, the Duma, before it becomes law.
The idea was passed by the lower house of parliament in the form of the Lokpal bill in December 2011.
The Lokpal bill has passed in the lower house of parliament but the upper house adjourned amid chaos in December without passing the controversial bill.
Far worse will come if Mr Yeltsin dies before he has persuaded the lower house of parliament, the Duma, to approve a new prime minister, as the constitution says he must.
The party has 18 members in the lower house of Parliament and the absence of their support will further weaken a government which is in minority since the Trinamool Congress pulled out of the coalition in September.
But having failed to mount an effective no-confidence motion against Mr Obuchi's government in the all-important lower house of the Diet (parliament) for its handling the country's banking crisis, Mr Kan and his opposition colleagues have now moved their guerrilla campaign to the upper house where they have a majority.
He is now a deputy in the Duma, the lower house of parliament, for the impoverished southern republic of Karachaevo-Cherkessia.
The court dissolved the lower house of parliament last year, paving the way for the council to take over legislative powers pending a new parliament.
In the lower house of the present French parliament fewer than 11% of its members are women, one of the lowest in Europe.
The elections will be the first since Egypt's highest court dissolved the lower house of parliament in June, and it will be the first full Parliament in Morsy's presidency.
These will be the first elections since Egypt's highest court dissolved the lower house of parliament in June, and it will be the first full parliament in Morsy's presidency.
He will have to accommodate the Duma, the lower house of parliament, and handle the regional governors deftly.
As with past eurozone bailouts, the deal must be approved by the lower house of parliament in Germany, the EU's biggest economy.
Last week, Mr. Napolitano asked Mr. Bersani, whose party and its allies emerged with a majority in the lower house of Parliament but not in the equally powerful Senate, to try to win legislative support for a cabinet.
The pope's response to this and other cases is attracting criticism, including from prominent laymen such as Wolfgang Thierse, a former Social Democrat president of Germany's lower house of parliament, the Bundestag.