Screenwriters want the posesssory credit eliminated because they feel it relegates their work to a lower status.
And he argues that apprenticeships must be "well regarded" if they are not to be viewed as a lower status alternative to university.
These Victorian legacies include: reliance on the generalist class teacher rather than specialist subject teachers, lower per pupil funding than in secondary schools, lower status for primary school teachers, a formal education starting age of five, and long summer holidays which are left over from the days when children were needed to bring in the harvest.
Although the connection appeared to be strongest among high-status individuals, even lower-status individuals were more prone to ethical lapses if they felt that greed was good.
"Most often, lower-status people and poor men could not wear shoes, " Shirazi said.
Finally, the economic impact it could have on people of lower socioeconomic status is significant, since smoking is unevenly distributed.
FORBES: Should Companies Have The Right To Refuse To Hire Smokers?
Most of our scholars are from communities of color and have a lower socioeconomic status and fewer resources than the average college student.
Unless dads also make use of these policies, Panorama asks whether there is a danger that mums will be forced into lower-skilled, lower-status jobs.
This should lower the overbought status of some of these Dow stocks.
We cannot raise or lower each others status by writing about this.
According to the folks at Pew, fully a third of Americans now admit they are either of lower middle class or flat out lower class economic status, an increase of 25% since 2008.
Most of the victims we read about in India are largely uneducated women from poorer backgrounds - reinforcing a general perception that domestic violence or intimate partner violence is more pervasive in groups of a lower socio-economic status.
None of what the politicians and pundits talk about during the current tax debate will actually help those in the lower income brackets improve their status.
So, for now, the U.S. continues to enjoy all the rights and privileges that come from that status, including lower consumer prices and lower interest rates.
She says a lot of folks on the lower end of the socio-economic status don't, therefore, their diets suffer.
Since rates have been coming down down for years due to longer life expectancies, it may also be a good idea to see if you can purchase the same amount of insurance for a lower cost, especially if your health status or lifestyle has improved.
The principal benefit is that it would help Clearwire reset its debt with lower interest rates and remove it from junk status bumping up against its credit limits.
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And the resultant move lower in the dollar has implications for everyone on account of its reserve currency status.
The prevailing view is that a win for Democrat Barack Obama would mean higher gold prices on the idea of the status quo continuing, and win for Republican Mitt Romney would mean lower gold prices on thoughts that he might replace Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
FORBES: METALS OUTLOOK: Weak Close For Gold Could Spill Over Into Early Trade Next Week
Significantly, however, the study found that the link between the behaviors and the lower risk of obesity held even after they controlled for a family's economic status and other factors, which suggests that the behaviors are beneficial regardless of a family's circumstances.