Also, I had to buy some chain lube to stretch out its life span.
Jiffy Lube puts a sticker on your windshield telling you to come back after 3, 000 miles (4, 800 kilometers).
So it's worth giving your rear mech a few shots of lube every time you lubricate your chain.
It is carrying more than 140, 000 gallons of diesel and about 12, 000 gallons of lube oil and hydraulic fluid.
For the mundane work of replacing shocks or oil filters, though, they are competing with service stations and quick lube shops.
"You're probably more likely to go back to your dealership rather than Jiffy Lube, " suggests San Diego-based Networkcar President Dave P.
How about a WD-40 grease gun, or paraffin lube stick for windows, or lithium spray grease or two-stroke oil for your chain saw?
Now fast-growing retailers like AutoZone and service station chains like Jiffy Lube cut out the middleman -- Allied's traditional customers -- and they demand sophisticated logistics.
As Mr. Snow meticulously relates, the owner of a "T" had to crawl under the chassis and lube it up each day, and that was just for starters.
Postl figures he can wring 2% to 3% annual growth out of the business simply by increasing advertising and exploiting the company's relationships with retailers and fast-lube chains.
This allows the doctor to practice medicine the way they were trained, rather than pulling their hair out dealing with insurance for the medical equivalent of a trip to Jiffy Lube.
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Postl's company also owns the biggest of those chains, Jiffy Lube, which will expand to more than 2, 000 U.S. outlets after Quaker State's Q Lube chain is folded into it later this year.
It's a shame that a society that can produce franchises like Jiffy Lube and Krispy Kreme, or big-box retailers like Wal-Mart and Home Depot, continues to have doctors' offices which still use paper-based medical records.
In a nutshell, insurance companies have to keep overhead low and DPC allows them to eliminate most of the bureaucracy associated with day-to-day healthcare that would be like getting an EOB for your visit to Jiffy Lube.
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Whether it's the fact that he (yes, or she) can identify a Dodge Charger just by the sound of its engine or avoids Jiffy-Lube at all costs, the items on this list will help you get a handle on what sort of person you're dealing with.