First he tried pulling up alongside icebergs and wielding chainsaws lubricated with vegetable oil.
What's more, gears and bearings created from the synthetic don't need to be lubricated.
ENGADGET: 3D printing gets more flexible with Nylon extrusion Alt
He went into a steep decline, lubricated by the bottle, and spent time out of the sport.
And in his latest efforts he seems somehow freer and more relaxed, his formidable technique more lubricated than ever.
WSJ: He's Kept Growing | Charles Lloyd | Cultural Conversation by Stuart Isacoff
The hitch is that, under EU rules, the state financial aid that lubricated such deals will end in 2013.
Then Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan lubricated the madness with artificially low interest rates.
What I do know is that questions of intention and identity rather than social convention or etiquette are what lubricated these interactions.
FORBES: How Intentions And Identity Can Help You Make The Most Of Business Cards
Frum argues that the glue that held American government together has dissolved in a partisan, polarised atmosphere, no longer lubricated by prosperity.
It's one thing for a wall street deal to be well lubricated.
Lubricated by black ink, it is all too easy to see a grand bipartisan bargain of broadening Medicare benefits and some tax cuts.
ECONOMIST: Alas, a bigger surplus doesn��t bring better policies
The novel is lubricated with a plethora of pithy observations, and it speeds along like a car with the proverbial accelerator pressed to the floorboards.
Having relatively dry eyes can make contact lens removal difficult, so try to keep your eyes lubricated, especially around the time you plan to take the lenses out.
But Rod's slothful habits (heavily lubricated by alcohol) are not easily tamed, and Abby reluctantly leaves him, having tried vainly to persuade his family and friends to help him reform.
WSJ: Lombard on the Path to Stardom | 'Carole Lombard in the Thirties' | By David Mermelstein
Led by Said Ramadan, the son-in-law of the Brotherhood's Egyptian founder, these pioneers turned Geneva and Munich into the hubs of a network of mosques and institutions lubricated with Saudi funding.
However, we think this legislation may have wider reaching consequences than just lenders, as the America consumer has been the undisputed engine of our economy for many years and credit has undoubtedly lubricated the spending.
Some of the unadvised collectors in the room tonight, well-lubricated on their own fine wine as well as bottles supplied by Acker, may find themselves suffering buyer's remorse when they see their invoices in the morning.
WSJ: Grand Cru Wine Consulting, Behind Some of the Finest Cellars | On Wine by Jay McInerney
Romney is almost an incarnation of the establishment, from his well-manicured rallies to his tightly organised campaign lubricated with plenty of lucre, from his past as a successful businessman to his career as a problem-solving politician.