In 2007 she published Bulldozed: "Kelo, " Eminent Domain and the American Lust for Land.
Some people believe men are motivated by greed for money or lust for power.
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Indeed, a lust for leverage, insouciance about accounts, was exposed by the events of 2007-08.
Maybe it's the lust for power that drives them to fulfill their evolutionary destiny.
Arriving in Shanghai in 1911 as a 28-year-old rookie reporter, Crow had a lust for adventure.
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Perhaps worst of all, some big spenders have lost their lust for the promise of new technology.
With his customary verve, Finder explores how lust for ill-gotten gains among the corporate elite can go wildly awry.
The reason these antagonists want Gillette dispatched: lust for his power and treasure.
My education had trained me to have a lust for answers and explanations.
By that I mean that we lust for the gifts technology bestows while overlooking, as best we can, its degradations.
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One popular way to express lust for big data for its own sake is to create a gargantuan Hadoop cluster.
Even near-zero short-term rates and 10-year government bond yields of about 1% do not deter those who lust for the yen.
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Where Europeans from all quarters of the continent display common frailties is in their lust for cash for their political parties.
Hikers, cross-country skiers, bikers and climbers all lust for these hills - they are the perfect combination of wild, accessible, unspoiled and inviting.
In a New York Times op-ed entitled Lust for Gold.
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Sure, a lot of people lust for high-performance trucks and cars.
And although the current lust for all things Latino helped Ricky Martin and actress Jennifer Lopez into the poll, they made it only to fifth and tenth places.
We all lust for that two months when they blossom.
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Probably not, but that doesn't satisfy the lust for accountability.
To see how expansive the law can be in satisfying a lust for vengeance, go to the Martha Stewart story by Michael Freedman and Emily Lambert on page 46.
Any mobile device is a compromise and it is how those compromises are managed by designers and implemented by the manufacturing teams that helps create the lust for a device.
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Not only do they tap into our lust for the technology of science fiction movies, but among other applications, can make a significant impact on the lives of those living with disabilities.
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Sprint, you might recall, was the just about the last company in the United States left to lust for the ability to stanch its loss of customers by being able to offer the Apple iPhone.
Anyone can criticize Armstrong for his lack of character, his lust for the yellow jersey, his willingness to lie, deceive, cheat, bully and revel in the glory that he robbed from those who truly deserved it.
Some would say that Tiger Woods easily makes the lust for life cut, given his off-the-course antics, but despite his all-too-human mess of a personal life, his image is too highly constructed for anybody to discern a human being beneath it.
Ask yourself: How many MIT or Caltech grads lust to work for NASA or Lucent Technologies today?
Ask yourself: How many MIT or Caltech grads lust to work for NASA or Lucent Technologies (nyse: LU - news - people ) today?
It meets many of the requirements that makes anyone who has ever felt the pangs of collectors lust want to reach for their wallet.
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