Chavez's body, placed in a wooden casket, has been lying in state at a military academy in Caracas.
During three days of lying in state, 321, 360 people filed past Churchill's coffin.
They included such gems as an embalming that had gone wrong, fouling the air for the mourners lined up to see the pope lying in state.
Along the way, they walked through the Capitol Rotunda, where the flag-draped coffin of Daniel Inouye was lying in state and two young women stood in tears, grieving.
But people still will be able to view Chavez's body -- lying in state in a wooden casket at a military academy in the capital -- for at least another week, he said.
What immediately came to mind was a similar drama surrounding the train trip of the body of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau from lying in state in the Ottawa parliament building to the state funeral in his home-town, Montreal.
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) The road from the military academy where Hugo Chavez's body has been lying in state to the hilltop museum where he'll be displayed indefinitely is lined with some of the most dangerous slums on the planet.
When my mother was in her final illness, she shared a hospital room with a woman who had been lying in a vegetative state for years.
Crumlin Road Courthouse in north Belfast has been lying derelict for 15 years and is in a state of serious disrepair.
Maine Governor Paul LePage campaigned on this premise during the 2010 election season and many in the State found his frank and brash nature endearing in a political climate lousy with lying and stagnant progress.
FORBES: Maine Women Sprout A #LittleBeard To Send BPA Message To Governor Paul LePage
The prime minister said he held the "rather quaint view" that "protesting is something you, on the whole, should do on two feet, rather than lying down - in some cases in a fairly comatose state".
BBC: Vince Cable expresses sympathy for St Paul's protesters
In the last two years, three people in my state of Utah have been charged, convicted and sentenced for lying under oath.
In addition, two Penn State administrators are awaiting trial for failing to report the suspected abuse and lying to a grand jury.