"Obviously I'm thinking about what I'm going to do this week, but I'm not really worried about it, " he said.
What I was trying to do, and I hope I'm still trying to do, is to talk about the truth, the reality of the America we live in today, where we have a few people--and I might add, including myself--who are doing very, very well, and then most of the country who's struggling every single day.
So I'm willing to reduce waste in programs I care about, and I'm asking members of Congress to do the same.
"It will just be a thorough lesson for Ovill McKenzie and I'm looking forward to it as I'm sick of hearing (about) what he's going to do to me, " said Bellew.
"I don't think about what I'm not able to do or not going to be able to do, " she said.
Ms. HOMER: It's up to about between two and three on weekdays, and then I'm trying to do at least one long ride every weekend that I'm increasing.
You know I'm sitting here in England right now, and I'm having to do a lot of explaining about a concept that we know there in America but folks here are wondering what white trash means.
NPR: Two Weeks Of Non-Stop Political Action Sets Off Bloggers
I'm going to try my best to do something about it.
CNN: Thompson's October 19, 2007, speech to Value Voters Summit
"All I know is that for this organization I did everything they ever asked me to do and I'm proud about it, so hopefully, the writers feel strongly, they liked what they saw, and we'll see what happens, " Biggio said on Nov. 28, the day the ballot was announced.
But I'm just going to try to forget about all that and just try to do my thing.
But what I'm most concerned about is having a serious discussion about what we need to do to keep the country growing and restore security for hardworking Americans.
This has nothing to do with the movie, I'm just happy about it.
I'm wondering if there are any plans for him to actually do something about that, now that we've had a second shooting in a couple of weeks here.
But what we can do -- what the legislation that I'm about to sign has done for nearly 20 years -- is honor the courage that he and his family showed.
This is a matter for individual decisions, my own position is that I'm going to have to be talking about asylum a very great deal and I do not want a distraction by everybody keeping asking me why I haven't signed this pledge rather than by concentrating on the policy.
"They've made some commitment to do something about it but not enough and I'm frustrated about that but I'm sure we will get somewhere in the near future, " she said.
I'm not expressing a view about A-levels, nor - frankly - am I qualified to do so.
If we do that I think we will have little to worry about and I'm confident we will cross the line first.
BBC: The rival coxes flank Cambridge rower Thorsten Englemann
"I must say that what I do, and I don't mean to sound arrogant about this, but what I do, I think I'm the best at it, " Rose said.
WSJ: Pete Rose Works Full-Time Selling His Signature in Las Vegas
I've got a lot more to say about it all, but I'm going to wait until I've gone through the physio to do so.
Mr. COLEMAN: I'm very grateful to have this honor to speak to you about something that we all carry about which has to do with sound.
"I'm announcing today a change of heart on an issue that a lot of people feel strongly about that has to do with gay couples' opportunity to marry, " Portman told CNN.
"After 1994, " Wyden says, "I think a lot of Americans looked at the federal government and said, 'I'm not sure those folks could run a two-car parade, let alone resolve what to do about one-seventh of the American economy, our health system, " he said.
And there are a lot of liberal commentators saying, what is the President of the United States -- the current President -- going to do about this, when you have a former Vice President basically saying, I'm a supporter of waterboarding, and basically that the last administration did waterboard, when this current President has said that waterboarding is torture and is thus illegal?
So -- I see you nodding your head, so my first question is, do you subscribe to what I'm saying, and next of all, can you talk about how your disability agenda will release this emerging potential that's currently wasted and untapped?