As can be seen, traditional film use is 15% or less with digital technologies such as optical discs, hard disk drives, magnetic tape and flash memory are the bulk of modern recording media.
FORBES: End of the Reel
Also modern enterprise storage technology, whether it is flash memory, HDDs or magnetic tape include new power saving features to minimize the costs of storage.
FORBES: Nothing Comes for Free
Regarding the longevity of storage media many of the products that we use today, hard disk drives, flash memory, optical discs and magnetic tape will react with the ambient environment and gradually lose the data stored on them or disintegrate over time.
FORBES: Storing Information for a Thousand Years
It is clear that the total growth in storage demand will drive increased need for an ecosystem of storage technologies including flash memory and HDDs (and even magnetic tape).
FORBES: Digital Storage Needs the Right Stuff
Magnetic tape in professional recording has taken a nose dive while flash memory is the rising video storage format according the survey results.
FORBES: End of the Reel