Celebrations were planned in all of South Africa's main cities to mark 100 days until the event.
Its main villain was Mark Fuhrman, a detective who made racist comments.
Dalrymple, who went to 50 off 114 balls, then shared the day's main partnership of 71 with Mark Wallace (48).
Bourdais was overshadowed for much of last season by former team-mate Sebastian Vettel, who has been promoted to the main Red Bull team alongside Mark Webber for 2009.
Ojiya-chijimi, Echigo-jofu: techniques of making ramie fabric in Uonuma region, Niigata Prefecture developed in the north-western part of Japan s main island and bear the mark of the region s cooler climate particularly its snowy winters.
They might take heart from a parade in Istanbul's main square on June 28th to mark international gay pride day.
The winged lion of St Mark is carved into its main gate, commemorating the great sea battle when the Venetians defeated the Turks at Lepanto.
Before the advent of the euro, Germany's mark was Switzerland's main point of reference including a period in the 1970s when the Swiss National Bank pegged the franc against the mark to rein in a surge in the Swiss currency.
"The main problem this government has is administration, " Mark Weisbrot, the co-director of the Centre for Economic and Policy Research, told the BBC.
I'm still leading the championship and that's the main target for us, we lost seven points with Mark winning but we gained some more points on the rest of the field.
Mark Chandler, Cisco's general counsel, said the main reason for the suit was the discovery that Huawei was using the same source code for the software powering its routers.
He immediately turned professional under the banner of New Jersey's Main Events, the promotional organisation that had already signed gold medallists Pernell Whittaker, Mark Breland, Meldrick Taylor and Tyrell Biggs.
Both Benjamentas exhibit a rather unhealthy interest in a new student named Jakob (Mark Rylance), and for a hundred and five minutes the three main characters drift through stark rooms and impossibly long corridors (photographed, in luminous black-and-white, by Nic Knowland) in a bizarre erotic reverie.
D-mark notes next year and resent their country's long-standing role as the Union's main cash cow.