PricewaterhouseCoopers periodically inspects the walls of protection Credit Suisse has created to maintain its competitive advantage.
We help people understand how we still maintain our cultural rituals living in urban society.
Notes are redesigned on a relatively frequent basis, in order to maintain security and prevent forgeries.
They had proved unpopular with head teachers, who protested they undermined efforts to maintain discipline in schools.
Professor Morris will also develop and maintain a regional database of religious groups and communities including research resources.
UNESCO: Chair in Inter-religious Understanding and Relations for Victoria University - UNESCO
Stick to tailored dresses and skirts paired with a sweater or a jacket to maintain a professional look.
We believe AmEx can maintain growth in this domain even in the current economic uncertainty.
FORBES: Consumer Spending And Global Push Lift American Express
They also help Maori maintain their connections to land, hapu, iwi and their history.
What remains to be seen is if it can maintain its current dividend growth rate.
This news comes at a time when the company is struggling to maintain its value.
On July 27 ETF Securities promised to maintain its lowball pricing for at least another year.
Until that happens, it will be impossible for us to maintain our current level of activity.
Apple is struggling to maintain its position in the market, while Google is expanding its position.
FORBES: Leadership Lesson: The Difference Between Google and Apple
Analysts are concerned about capital expenditures, especially costs to maintain equipment and to replace aging buildings.
In this country the key task for a certified watchmaker is to maintain fine mechanical watches.
Except in highly unusual circumstances, the U.S. government should maintain political relations with other nations.
FORBES: The Isolationist Charge: The Last Refuge Of The Scoundrel
Many retro-urban theorists maintain that high density is the key to urban prosperity.
FORBES: Megacities And The Density Delusion: Why More People Doesn't Equal More Wealth
He said the inquest had highlighted "individual staff failures and their failure to maintain professional standards".
BBC: Bradgate Unit's 'failings' in Gagandip Singh Sandhu death
We wanted to rotate to maintain his condition and to give everyone great motivation.
In short, the West desperately wants to maintain the dollar and euro as reserve currencies.
In some cases, advisors maintain pricing for their services at a discount to published fees.
Would that be the ones that require banks to maintain certain amounts of capital.
FORBES: Obama's Stark Progressivism Gives Voters Choice Of The Century
All that is happening is that an offer to maintain silence is being made.
The CRT said funding is limited and the IWA must also help maintain the site.
BBC: Canal charities in Gloucestershire lock maintenance row
This trend is exacerbated when dual-stock structures or other convoluted methods are used to maintain control.
The other groups would maintain the existing income tax system framework with a variety of changes.
Assets that would have a long life, be easy to maintain, and deliver value.
Belkin said it will maintain the Linksys brand and will offer support for Linksys products.
FORBES: Cisco To Sell Linksys Home Networking Unit To Belkin
She and Prince have emphasized that Citi needs to spend to maintain its competitiveness.
Shareholders will also have a chance to weigh in by voting to either maintain Yahoo!'