If only a small percentage of money was actively managed, active management would make good sense.
Vertical acquisitions usually make good sense, so what companies could be considered within this area?
FORBES: To Buy Or Not to Buy: Strategies That Make Sense For Apple
Keeping your money and investments out of the legal jurisdiction of a government that might be tempted to help themselves to it does indeed make good sense.
These spikes in gas prices are often temporary, and while there are no quick fixes to the problem, there are a few steps we should take that make good sense.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Expanding Responsible Oil Production in America | The White House
Sometimes deals like this actually make good sense.
FORBES: T-Mobile-Sprint Merger Would Need Clearwire Spectrum
In some places, such as China's crowded cities, tall may still make good economic sense.
It doesn't make good biological sense today to combine the two, knowing what we know today.
No doubt Romney believes that lower taxes not only make good economic sense but also are morally just.
Besides widening the budget deficit, tax expenditures encourage behavior that likely would have occurred anyway or just plain doesn't make good economic sense.
Even if they could, it does not make good business sense to export large numbers of vehicles from the U.S. to China because of the costly logistics involved.
FORBES: Memo To Mitt Romney: Building Jeeps In China Is Good For America
He simply does not understand that moving jobs overseas to be close to rapidly growing markets may make good economic sense and keep American companies competitive with foreign competitors.
FORBES: American Exceptionalism Means Politicians Who Take Responsibility and Face Our Problems
"It could make good business sense for both parties, " said John Styll, co-owner of Far Further LLC in Nashville, which is one of eight applicants vying for the domain name .music.
In particle physics, sound-bite explanations are much harder: wave-particle duality, quantum mechanics, general relativity and string theory make good mathematical sense, or so I am told, but they generally defy translation into English.
"There are more logistic issues because it's a dual-purpose approach, but it can make very good business sense, " Tareta says.
Failing to help workers balance their personal and professional responsibilities is a failed human resource policy that most employers recognize does not make good long-term business sense.
FORBES: On Its 20th Anniversay, The Unsung Problems Within The Family And Medical Leave Act
It might make sense to try and incentivize good healthy behavior to some degree, like I expect to pay a bit less for my auto insurance.
FORBES: The Big Problem With Obamacare: It Doesn't Help Many
And sometimes choice doesn't make sense because it's neither good medicine and it's more painful.
For Alcan to buy a European firm like Pechiney or Algroup makes perfect sense: either would make a good fit with its existing lines, and give it the global reach it now lacks.
This probably does make business sense, as well as being a good thing to do.
So look at the mentor list for a sense of what companies could make a good fit.
FORBES: TechStars Announces Its Fourth (and Final) Boot Camp in NYC
His good sense of humor and relaxed manner make him a suitable government envoy to Silicon Valley and elsewhere as he crusades for self-regulation.
Google and Microsoft own their own mapping technologies, and it makes sense that Apple would want to make good on some of its mapping investments.
It takes many things to make a good founder: vision, drive, a sense for business, a thirst to learn and grow, an ability to capture other people to the cause.
FORBES: What Makes a Good Founder? Hint: It's in the details
We should have a good sense if this team is ready to make noise in the playoffs.
Federal policies creating sound conditions for a highly functioning education system make sense, even if those policies cannot guarantee good execution.
FORBES: The Wisdom, Risks, and Foolishness of Race to the Top
The numbers are becoming nearly as clear as information about starting salaries in traditional professions (last I heard, half a million per good engineer is the going rate, which would make sense if viewed as a few years worth of premium back-wages for a talented engineer, being hired a couple of levels above entry-level).