Since writedowns are supposed to be sudden and unpredictable, the analysts make no effort to forecast them.
These blogs have tiny audiences and make no effort to sell advertising.
ECONOMIST: More people are quitting their day jobs to blog for a living
Lawmakers put a low ceiling on the total number of policies that could be sold, thus guaranteeing that most insurance companies would make no effort to market them.
But the airline that appears to make no effort, that appears not to care, will alienate me and I will actively seek other ways to reach my destination.
Even reputable news sites often only check that the e-mail address you have given is valid, but make no effort at all to verify that you are who you claim to be online.
BBC: Microsoft wants to change passwords for something better
And in fact, in the Dodd-Frank statute itself, not only was there no effort to make the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency subject to a multimember commission as its governing structure, but the OCC was actually given additional authorities.
While it has good reviews, there has been no major effort to make it a profitable product.
All employees should make an effort to ensure that no employee feels left out or isolated due to their food restrictions.
FORBES: Food Allergies in the Workplace are Not Always What They Seem
So, it should come as no surprise to those familiar with my columns that I make an effort to stay afloat of the latest Hollywood fodder.
There's no doubt singles who make an effort to do financially prudent things--buying homes and opening up retirement accounts early--wind up better off than their married friends.
He spared no effort to assist us and to make public his support and convince some reluctant African heads of State of the importance of that historic initiative.
And I have no specific announcement to make about next steps in this effort.
Thus, the slippery slope argument often is used implicitly to make the argument that society can make no distinctions between "good things" and "bad things" and that any policy effort to rid society of bad things will invariably engulf good things.
We've launched an historic reform effort, as you know, to review past rules for those that no longer make sense.
But there was no explosive move in the Preakness, only a mild kick in the late stages to make a dull effort appear a little better than it was.