She said the the guard and the train driver were "extremely helpful", and kept passengers updated by making announcements.
Alun Michael questioned the strength of sanctions against ministers making announcements to the press before making a statement to the Commons.
Fellow rookies Hispania and Lotus Racing have also taken steps to push on from their debut 2010 seasons after making announcements at last week's Brazilian Grand Prix.
BBC: Russian supercar firm Marussia takes over Virgin Racing
On Monday, he has 50 volunteers working for Bharat Seva Dal, his non-governmental organisation, scouring the grounds for anyone who looks lost, bringing them to the camp and making announcements.
Google has made a habit of making these announcements each time it hits a major milestone with apps.
FORBES: Google Apps Is Making Microsoft Poorer, Adding 1 Million Users Per Month
There is nothing wrong with making proud announcements, says Tilly Lavenas, who advises people on how to make their newsletters more engaging.
And a Prime Minister who talks about restoring the authority of Parliament but is still going around making policy announcements on the radio.
It is a very topical question because I'm going to be making some announcements over the next several days about the auto industry.
Delta flight attendants have started making onboard announcements pushing survey participation.
Is the thinking that the President, the White House wants to get the fiscal cliff situation settled before the President starts making any announcements about nomination?
Networks avoid the c-word when making these announcements, but the show's production is being halted after the eighth episode wraps this week (five have aired, three to go).
Such considerations may explain why next week Mr Brown will not be making any firm announcements about changes in the tax system.
He said he is trying to avoid making too many announcements.
On the same day that the letter was sent to Baroness Ashton, Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was making defiantly upbeat announcements about the country's nuclear progress.
We're going to be making some significant announcements this year.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
Employees began making additional boarding announcements, but scores didn't improve.
Even though the ratings agencies are simply making the downgrade announcements that we all knew were inevitable, US stock market players are now becoming aware of the contagion possibility.
First of all, when it comes to your business image, owners and their employees should avoid making any public announcements or conducting any business that might be considered questionable.
FORBES: Don't Get Sued: 5 Tips To Protect Your Small Business
Entertainment executives are making public service announcements.
But the senior administration official said that Mr. Obama had made no decision on the long-term troop level, and would be making no further announcements in his State of the Union address, beyond the cuts to the force this year.
There are some hints of future policy announcements on making it easier for people to buy their own homes and on vocational education.
With the end of the current fiscal year coming up, the government has been making a number of positive announcements and the news will be fairly positive.
One oddity of the Challenger tally is that it purports to be a precise count (66, 414) of U.S. job cut announcements, though some of the companies in its measure, like drug giant Merck, are making the majority of cuts overseas.
Hinting at further growth-related announcements in the coming weeks, he said delivering infrastructure projects as quickly as possible was one way of making a difference right now.