Her design layout raising awareness of the maltreatment of mental patients was affecting.
The revised version of the capital's criminal code protects wild and domestic animals against maltreatment.
The previous version of the criminal code only specified fines as penalties for animal maltreatment.
This suggests that psychological maltreatment may be the most common form of abuse inflicted on kids.
Psychological maltreatment can include terrorizing, belittling or neglecting a child, the pediatrician authors say.
In this milieu of distrust and maltreatment, the taking of a few cells takes on new meaning.
Stewart Wardrop, manager of the Royal Pigeon Racing Association (RPRA), told me any proven maltreatment should be punished.
The recommendation applies to children (aged newborn to 18 years) who do not have signs or symptoms of maltreatment.
Eleven care workers are to be sentenced later for the maltreatment and neglect of five patients at Winterbourne View.
In addition, thousands of Ethiopians have returned home from Eritrea, complaining of maltreatment, although Eritrea vehemently denies having deported them.
The homeless are highly vulnerable to maltreatment, so sudden movements of shantytowns could indicate areas that are becoming dangerous to inhabit.
After a year-long investigation it ruled that Mr Wasserstrom's maltreatment was perhaps excessive, but did not count as retaliation against a whistleblower.
The NSPCC said that while child deaths as a result of maltreatment had fallen, more needed to be invested in services to tackle abuse.
He pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy and maltreatment of prisoners.
Because of that, pediatricians must be as sensitive to signs of emotional maltreatment as they are to signals of sexual or physical abuse, the authors say.
However, "the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of primary care interventions to prevent child maltreatment, " the task force said Monday.
Its first elected mayor, a popular local sportsman, stood down in 2009 following criticism of local social services for failing to stop the maltreatment and murder of a child.
The report, How Safe are our Children, found that for every child in the UK subject to a protection plan or on child protection registers, eight more have suffered maltreatment.
Mr Boyd said the Crown did not aim to prove that any maltreatment by the parents caused the baby's death, but said they had never provided a plausible explanation for the injuries.
Lt-Col Steven Jordan, who headed the interrogation centre at the prison, was cleared of charges of cruelty to and maltreatment of detainees, but reprimanded for disobeying an order not to discuss the investigation.
That's the message of a trio of pediatricians, who write this week in the journal Pediatrics with a clarion call to other family doctors and child specialists: stay alert to the signs of psychological maltreatment.
What makes this kind maltreatment so challenging for pediatricians and for social services staff, however, is that it's not defined by any one specific event, but rather by the nature of the relationship between caregiver and child.
Though British agents did not carry out the abuse themselves, the evidence suggests they knew the extent of Mr Mohamed's maltreatment before one of their number flew out to ask the broken man a few questions of their own.