The company revealed sophistication and patience in its approach and a management commitment to conduct a serious forensic investigation.
Our management and teams are fully commitment to delight our customers.
Biotech firms surveyed focused on four key factors: commitment from senior management, favorable deal terms, market depth in a particular therapeutic area and a strong alignment with a partner's core strategy.
More robust financial management systems and a strengthened commitment to overcoming inequalities between different regions and groups, a major source of conflict, are highlighted as priorities, along with action to tackle gender disparities.
The improvement plan includes a commitment for better "performance management" of headteachers.
BBC: Leighton Andrews outlines reforms for schools standards
That connection leads to a focus on longer-term investments and growth, lower worker-to-management salary ratios, and a strong commitment to employees, especially in tough times.
The author clearly admires his subject for his political longevity, his commitment to peace and his parliamentary and electoral management.
From IHP-LAC, we sincerely congratulate Ms. Blanca Jimenez Cisneros on her appointment and we express our commitment to continue working together for the integrated management of water resources in our region.
UNESCO: Programa Hidrol��gico Internacional: Nombramiento Sra. Blanca Jim��nez Cisneros
"Selection was a tough call for a number of players and, as management, we've expressed our admiration for the commitment of the entire squad to securing a win on Saturday, " added Robinson on the Scottish Rugby website.
"We have said consistently that management enjoys the confidence of the board and we reiterate that commitment today, " the board said, in a statement released Sunday evening.
Charitable commitment, the amount of total expenses not spent on management and fundraising, remained unchanged at 84%.
He said these included a commitment to the eradication of bovine tuberculosis, forestry issues, countryside management and Europe.
Charitable commitment can be pulled down by a number of factors, including high management salaries and large fundraising costs.
Charitable commitment shows how much of total expenses went for the charitable purpose, excluding management, overhead and fundraising.
Then it is up to you to dazzle management with your ability to get work done with the highest quality possible and demonstrate your commitment to further advancement within the organization.
FORBES: Decision-Making 101: How to Choose Between Two Job Opportunities
An independent review panel that examined the Libya attack said serious lapses in management and leadership left the consulate badly unprepared, but it also called for a greater commitment from Congress to support the State Department's needs.
Charitable commitment is how much of total expense went directly to the charitable mission rather than management, fundraising or certain other overhead.
Charitable commitment measures how much of total expense went directly to the charitable purpose and not to management, overhead and fundraising.
Joseph Grundfest, a law professor at Stanford University who is an expert on corporate governance, said that "management can, for entirely legitimate reasons, change its mind as long as it hasn't made a binding commitment" to return the cash to shareholders.