Of those aboard, 834 were killed, many of them as young as John Milligan.
Many of them called for the brothers to sell after the next two seasons brought little progress.
For many of them, the decision is the result of years of thought and emotional soul-searching.
And many of them came over to the United States as an asylum for political refugees.
Many of them take place in the late 19th century, the states come in.
Many of them hadn't seen Indian dancing before and were keen to try it.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Indian feel to eisteddfod
The players are contractually obligated but surely many of them wouldn't be here by choice.
Even in this day and age, I have drunk directly from many of them.
But in reading the five bullet points, many of them hold little to no water.
Many of them have migrated from India, Pakistan, Indonesia and the Philippines to Saudi Arabia.
WSJ: U.S. Top Destination for Christian, Buddhist Immigrants, Study Says
Republicans said it was bad policy from the beginning, at least many of them did.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
He recorded many of them in his diaries so we do know this to be true.
FORBES: Niall Ferguson's Keynes Was Childless, Gay, So Don't Worry About The Long Term Rumpus
But Obama has a certain emotional detachment that has turned off many of them.
Many of them live a subsistence existence and they can't afford to get here.
He staffed the ships with volunteers, many of them teen-agers, who called themselves the Sea Organization.
He says many of them will eventually want jobs with the Iraqi army and police.
Campaigner Davinder Prasad of Castewatch UK said many of them had experienced some form of discrimination.
And now many of them leading - are leading companies of more than a 100 soldiers.
The significant decrease in generation has caused blackouts, many of them ordered by government.
FORBES: The Japanese Disaster: What's Next for Japan? For Us?
If independents are so down on Republicans, why do so many of them support McCain?
Commodities are on the rise, many of them hitting new peaks daily in recent weeks.
And the way many of them cluster together helps them to share distribution and marketing.
Indeed, other technologies, many of them still pretty outlandish, could eventually triumph over both.
When I graduated, tons of jobs were available, many of them offering sign-on bonuses.
FORBES: Reader Story: Avoiding Student Loans Gave Me a Head Start in Life
More than 50 million people had perished during the war, many of them civilians.
Television stations compete in storm tracking and many of them have their own Doppler radars.
Many of them are here today, and I want to thank them as well.
Many of them were enrolled in occupational pension schemes that were linked to their final salaries.
Many of them, it was said, had traveled overland, were weak and fell sick easily.