Huawei, the telecoms infrastructure giant - virtually unknown as a phone brand in many parts of the world.
And there really are still many parts of the world where this is a serious threat.
Yet in too many parts of the world, similar progress remains a distant dream.
Undocumented apple ownership, he added, is like property ownership in many parts of the world.
There are governmental and non-governmental plans to increase broadband availability in many parts of the world.
That idea has been tried before in many parts of the world, but with little success.
The very success of many parts of the world in limiting population has sapped donors' enthusiasm.
Although BlackBerry remains popular in many parts of the world, sales have been weak in North America.
We are seeing that in many parts of the world, in large measure because of the globalization.
In many parts of the world, women are in constant danger because of their membership in this group.
Social unrest in many parts of the world leads to an uncertain future.
FORBES: With The Dow At All Time Highs, Why Are Investors So Queasy?
As I said, the former is a sustainable business model that is legal in many parts of the world.
But the practice is common in many parts of the world and there is a similar issue with fish farms.
Thatcher's strength and drive made her an icon to conservatives in many parts of the world, especially in eastern Europe.
In many parts of the world, counterfeit medicine is a big problem and consumers simply have to trust the vendor.
In many parts of the world today--continental Europe in particular--a politician can't hear himself or herself think for all the hissing.
The report is a reminder of the paradoxical relations in many parts of the world between majoritarian democracy and personal freedom.
The goal of The Girl Store is to create awareness about the plight of girl children in many parts of the world.
In particular, corporate-governance regulations in many parts of the world require companies to archive electronic records for many years for compliance purposes.
However, in many parts of the world, water is not always clean enough for safe human use, or for sustaining healthy ecosystems.
Influenza A(H1N1) has already been confirmed in many parts of the world.
But in many parts of the world, frustration is leading to extremism.
Animal-lovers will have cause to rejoice in many parts of the world.
"In many parts of the world, more people have access to a mobile device than to a toilet or running water, " she writes.
The bottom line is that Celtic is a global football club that does have a lot of supporters in many parts of the world.
In addition, in many parts of the world illiteracy rates for women are well over 50 percent, according to the CIA World Fact Book.
Data caps are new to the United States, but they are already in place in many parts of the world including Canada and Australia.
Amidst political upheaval and escalating violence in many parts of the world, literacy must be a priority in the peace-building agenda of all nations.
Both know that any legal move which stopped consumers getting a service already available in many parts of the world would make them look bad.
With 4G LTE deployments ramping up in many parts of the world, NSN will benefit from the 3G to 4G wireless shift in the coming years.
FORBES: Nokia Can Dial Up $4.50 As LTE Transition Helps NSN Stage Recovery