Investors who heeded the warning missed some of the stock market's impressive march into record territory.
WSJ: Hulbert on Investing: Company Insiders Are Dumping Shares! Or Are They?
Tomorrow, thousands of athletes will march into the city's main stadium, known as the Bird's Nest.
Those impacts will begin to become evident at the end of March into April.
FORBES: Palladium To Outperform Platinum In Next Few Years -- Thomson Reuters GFMS
At this moment, in this election, we must pledge once more to march into the future.
Single women who are afraid to march into a restaurant and have a delicious solitary gourmet meal.
Police on Thursday blocked a march into Nairobi in support of Odinga's party with tear gas and water cannons.
He said the order had observed loyalist flag protestors being able to march into Belfast every week without a Parades Commission ruling.
But Mr Garrett accepts that it would be unrealistic to expect today's shoppers to march into a supermarket and demand his products.
ECONOMIST: Competition in your local supermarket is getting vicious
With about 60% of women already participating in the job market, their long march into work may be drawing to a close.
ECONOMIST: Are 5.1m Americans missing from the unemployment figures?
It was a long march into the deepest part of the mountain.
NPR: 'A Tale of Music': From 'Literature from the Axis of Evil'
But in the end, neither knows what to expect, and that is what makes the 1998 election season a march into the unknown.
Rev Mervyn Gibson said the order had observed loyalist flag protestors being able to march into Belfast every week without a Parades Commission ruling.
With the debut of taekwondo as an official Olympic event, South Korea might be expected to march into Syd-ney with a single mission: dominate the national sport.
Lehman Brothers' ( LEHMQ - news - people ) disastrous march into toxic properties, are now being paid to clean up the mess they so brilliantly created.
"We cannot march into somebody's house and carry out a search, we cannot arrest people, so we can only do it by investigation and persuasion, " he was quoted as saying.
Anglian Water has been granted permission to pump up to 17 million litres a day until next March into its Pitsford Reservoir, which supplies around 600, 000 customers in the Northampton area.
The victory maintains Spain's seemingly unstoppable march into history.
"The idea that you would simply march into the lobby... to obtain this piece of legislation is one that may be very hard to swallow, " he told the BBC's Andrew Marr show.
With the ongoing Greek debt drama dampening market activity and poor business forecasts from the Philadelphia and New York Federal Reserve banks this week, investors have begun to march into Treasuries once again.
FORBES: Treasury Yields At Year Lows As Skittish Investors Take Comfort In Uncle Sam
When properly interpreted, in other words, the numbers suggest insiders have responded to the stock market's march into record territory by cutting back on the pace of their sales relative to their purchases.
WSJ: Hulbert on Investing: Company Insiders Are Dumping Shares! Or Are They?
That will be the case as we march into November over the next few days, however with the Presidential Election less than a week away, greater importance will be placed on what economic indicators that are reported.
Spice overload too, since Whitehouse sometimes throws too many spices into dishes that sound pretty straightforward. (Should Szechuan pepper really be a marinade ingredient in sugar-cured ocean trout and avocado?) It crossed my mind to march into the kitchen and throw his spice rack away.
The scowling men in long dark coats and hats, led by the severely elegant John Dillinger (Johnny Depp), march into some grand Midwestern bank, take over the place, throw the cash in bags, and make their getaway, jumping onto the running boards of flat-topped black Fords.
The recent announcement that the Russian team will march into the 2014 Winter Olympics stadium in Sochi, Russia wearing uniforms made in the United States is a stark contrast to the flap caused by Ralph Lauren last week when it was discovered that the United States team will march into the 2012 Summer Olympics stadium in London, England wearing uniforms made in China.
FORBES: Russian Olympians Will Wear Uniforms Made By American Brand
But Germany's reluctance is likely to push that decision later into March, or further into the spring.
McDonald's does not march people into its outlets at the point of a gun.
Colombia's 1 March raid into Ecuador struck a Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) camp located just across the border.
My personal favorite is his choice to march forcefully into the thicket of conflicting legal rights that is the music industry.
Once companies gain a foothold in the market, they can improve their ability to educate more students per class and march upmarket into higher enrollment classes.