It worked so well he has since helped redesign the matching system for specialties like gastroenterology.
Department stores can offer them an advanced style matching system that works across all items the store sells.
Would investors be better served by an automated order-matching system in which there is no go-between trying to pick up a dime?
Before Roth got involved, the matching system was so screwed up that a third of the city's eighth graders didn't even participate.
In any case, the IRS said it would try to prevent future omissions in the computer matching system, and it would work through the 133 extra cases.
The companies were shy about sharing specifics, such as how they plan to share the revenue and how much they hope to generate from the new ad-matching system.
Last week Fifa introduced its Transfer Matching System which requires both clubs in a player's move to enter verified details of the payments and parties involved online.
This will allow the institutional investors that dominate the bond market to trade directly with each other through a sophisticated order-matching system, operated under the auspices of the Boston Stock Exchange.
However, as more becomes known about the relatively new field of stem cell therapy, a more specific matching system may be required, said Dr. Joon Lee, cardiologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Cuomo said lawmakers have strong, philosophical opposition to some measures, including a Democratic proposal to use public funds to pay for election campaigns in a voluntary matching fund system.
As the missile nears its target, the Digital Scene Matching Area Correlation system takes over.
Matching the operating system should yield a more consistent user experience and ensure that at least some apps can be shared between devices.
The groups advocated campaign finance measures, similar to New York City's system with matching funds for small donations, and better, more independent enforcement.
Apple found the sweet spot in terms of matching up the Operating System and the Hardware, and then let people go and play in the space.
The simplest way for the federal government to restrain Medicaid would be to end the current system of matching state spending and replace this with block grants, which would give the states an incentive to focus on cost-control.
The PowerShot ELPH 115 IS digital camera also includes Canon's unique Intelligent IS system technology, matching the lens movement with one of six stabilization modes for smooth video and sharp still images.
ENGADGET: Canon PowerShot A2500, ELPH 330 HS, 115 IS point-and-shoots debut ahead of CP+
He entered the program last year when his campaign was strapped for cash, and took a loan using future fundraising -- or the matching funds from the public financing system -- as collateral.
CNN: McCain attacks Obama for opting out of public financing
And federal election rules say that a candidate who uses the matching funds as collateral cannot withdraw from the system.
CNN: McCain attacks Obama for opting out of public financing
Roth has used modified forms of this same algorithm to design matching systems for Boston's public school system and for placing medical school graduates with residency programs.
"People can go online and register their journeys - the system will then search for a matching partner to help them on their journey to work, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Hospital plans for Westlink works
Ideally this would be done by reforming Medicaid financing to provide the federal assistance to the states for the program through fixed, finite block grants, which do not vary by matching increased state Medicaid spending as under the current system.
With the help of some Port Security Grants and PPC matching funds, we built the first leg of this system.
For First Globals, it is a broken economy and political system they see as causes of their inability to find work matching their skills and expectations.
The app had fun matching and fill-in-the-blanks games, as well as a reward system of badges.
Once you get funding for a mass system it can have all sorts of layers of user protection and sophistication in matching built in.