The ultrasound requests are not related to maternity care, but to diagnose illnesses in patients.
They were due to be transported to a new maternity clinic in South Sudan.
These guidelines do not include maternity care or simply any service the doctor orders.
By year-end, maternity wear will be available in up to 10% of Old Navy's 800 stores.
Temporary changes to maternity and paediatric services in East Sussex are to take effect from Tuesday.
Destination Maternity (DEST) reported that sales at stores open at least one year climbed 1.6%.
About 60 people protested outside Stafford Hospital against the plans to cut maternity services on Wednesday.
Investigations have been held into baby deaths and failings in maternity services in Cumbria and Lancashire.
Joan Dudley (Glasgow) - For services to the WRVS at the Rutherglen Maternity Hospital, Glasgow.
Campaigners fought and won a battle to keep full maternity services at both sites.
More holidays, maternity and paternity leave, more frequent job rotation and share options also now feature.
Websites advertising maternity tourism in San Francisco and the Silicon Valley also have sprung up.
The midwife-led maternity unit at the Downe Hospital has had a limited uptake from expectant mothers.
The commission, the EU's executive, also said the same maternity benefits should apply to self-employed women.
The commission said longer maternity leave would encourage women to return to work after having children.
In 1990 he became clinical director of the maternity unit, but problems again began to arise.
It also raised concerns about the absence of discrimination legislation or maternity and parental leave laws.
The following month, three more babies died from the infection at Belfast's Royal Jubilee Maternity Unit.
The proposals would also mean maternity services being led by midwives instead of a consultant.
Another unannounced inspection found required standards in maternity services at the hospital were now being met.
Maternity pay is to be changed from a fixed, and low, rate to 40% of salaries.
When she gave birth, she found that Ford had no policy concerning maternity leave.
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My wife is on maternity leave, but due to go back to work part-time next week.
Measures include restricting visitors under the age of 12 and asking visitors to avoid maternity wards.
Both options considered by the Cluster Board included the downgrading of Dewsbury Hospital's maternity unit.
Maternity provision in the united Germany is relatively generous: it can last up to three years.
Along with maternity leave, the dialogue has included much broader talk about women in the workplace.
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They have to cover a standard set of benefits, including prescription drugs, maternity care and rehabilitation services.
However Ms Griffiths said that significant improvement have been made to maternity and neonatal services in Wales.
The Parsis closed their maternity hospital in Mumbai a decade ago because of a lack of births.
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