Psy gives us all the enjoyment of a more mean-spirited YouTube phenom with none of the downside.
Rather than immediately defending him or her, or dismissing the feedback as wrong or mean-spirited, really stop and consider it.
So rather than hurling accusations about big-government liberals or mean-spirited conservatives, we're going to have to answer those tough questions.
Hence the undignified competition between Mr Straw and Ann Widdecombe, his Tory shadow, to appear more mean-spirited than the other.
Like millions of other people, she had a stalker who had been harassing her by repeatedly calling and sending her offensive and mean-spirited texts.
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The international response, in comparison with the tsunami, has been mean-spirited.
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Despite the attempt at authenticity through the use of real and recognizable New York locations, the gleefully mean-spirited humor quickly ramps up to a ludicrous implausibility.
And because, like Ian Fleming's antihero, James Bond (the mean-spirited book version, not the amusing movie one), Gillette engages us with his enviable panache and awesome courage.
Among some, there was a mean-spirited celebration of his failed championship predictions and related baggage that disguised the truly good season he had in reaching the championship precipice.
And his mean-spirited comments certainly seem like bad business.
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"It's not negative, its not mean-spirited to be out there and bringing to light the other candidate's record and the other candidate's associations, which are very, very, very troubling for America, " Palin said.
How can the Republicans, who need to find an agenda for next year's elections, be critical without seeming either mean-spirited or ideologically reckless or, if they blunt the attack on the tobacco companies, corrupt?
So I just want to show a little sympathy here for those who are trying to enforce the law -- they're not mean-spirited, they're just trying to -- they're working with the system that was set up.
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Nimbyist tendencies are not just mean-spirited, though.
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And finally, we have mean-spirited people.
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Rich Armitage's mean-spirited partisanship is especially evident in the fact that neither he, nor Mr. Powell nor their lawyer, then-State Department Legal Advisor William Taft IV, saw fit to inform the White House that Armitage was the source of the Novak leak.