• Users can turn their media experience into a social one with Zune Social on a PC and share their media recommendations with like-minded music lovers.

    ENGADGET: Windows Phone 7 Series is official, and Microsoft is playing to win

  • The brainchild of former EMI executive Ernesto Schmitt and former BBC iPlayer CTO Anthony Rose, zeebox has led global innovation in the market of TV companion apps since launching in the UK in 2011. zeebox uniquely enables consumers to discover what to watch by browsing comprehensive TV listings, social media and personalized recommendations.

    ENGADGET: Zeebox second screen TV companion app crosses over to the US, with a boost from Comcast and HBO

  • The inquiry will make recommendations on media plurality, regulation and cross-media ownership by July 2012.

    BBC: Culture questions and Commons commission questions

  • Experts praised the national initiative to develop a new media law based on international recommendations as an important step towards the creation of a legal environment conducive to freedom of expression and information.


  • The book's success is attributed to bloggers and the sharing of book reviews and recommendations on social media, as well as old-fashioned word of mouth advertising in physical coffee shops, and most probably at the school gates.

    CNN: Erotic ebook surges up best seller list

  • Through streams of content, users are reading more stories from more media outlets than ever before, including recommendations from their social networks.

    FORBES: Four Ways Big Media Can Survive In The Tablet Era

  • They will seek to make recommendations on the future of media regulation in this context, including the role of the Press Complaints Commission and the Office of Communications (OFCOM).

    BBC: Joint committee on privacy and injunctions

  • Election Commission Secretary Kanwar Dilashad denied media reports that the commission had already sent recommendations to the government recommending postponement.

    CNN: Decision on Pakistan election delayed; new video emerges

  • What are the specific recommendations for cause marketing campaigns using social media?

    FORBES: Deciphering New York's New Cause Marketing Guidelines

  • In addition, the Knight Fellow will review the media outlets' current programming in order to make recommendations on changes in content that parallel the marketing and advertising efforts.


  • Police officers - though it is unclear which ranks will be affected - will also have to disclose contact with the media in line with Lord Justice Leveson's recommendations.

    BBC: Police corruption: Gifts and second jobs to go on register

  • American citizens need to start challenging the opinions and conclusions and recommendations that are spinning out of Washington and the media.

    FORBES: The Obama Administration's Bad Spin On Taxes

  • The recommendations were agreed at the final session of the 6th Conference of Caribbean Media Wednesday (May 3) which was held in conjunction with global observance of World Press Freedom Day organised by UNESCO this year under the theme of Media and Poverty Alleviation.

    UNESCO: Education

  • It consists of a description of the new media landscapes in the mentioned countries, as well as of a list of challenges and recommendations given by the authors for each country.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • Following cross-party talks on Thursday night - which will resume next week - the Department for Culture, Media and Sport will begin the process of drawing up a draft bill implementing the Leveson recommendations.

    BBC: Press 'need to act' after Leveson

  • These are some of the conclusions and recommendations included in the Summary Statement, which also examines evacuation procedures, using mass media, standard operational procedures of Tsunami Warning Centers, international cooperation and other aspects of Tsunami Warning Systems that could be improved.


  • The draft new media law on TV broadcasting was reviewed and widely discussed at the first conference session, and recommendations for its further improvement against international legal standards were sounded in presence of the member of Oliy Majlis responsible for the development of this law.


  • Kiwi plans to use social media campaigns and face-to-face sales to win over customers and word-of-mouth recommendations from them, Yecke said.

    FORBES: Startup Kiwi Uses Social Media To Sell Solar To Homeowners

  • Social media lets brands win entire audiences through social networks multiple eyeballs and wallets are reached because they receive explicit recommendations or tacit engagement by people who consume and disperse this content to their individual social networks.

    FORBES: Advertising's Triple Crown For The Second Screen

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