In fact, he just returned from a meeting with the House Republican conference on Capitol Hill.
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"The Kerry plan is simple: Add more money to our national deficit, spend more money here in Washington, raise taxes on job creation, " said Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois at a news briefing after a meeting of the House Republican Conference on Capitol Hill.
CNN: House Republicans assail Kerry's economics
As you know, the Vice President is headed to Capitol Hill and is meeting with the Senate and the House Democratic caucuses to talk about the deal with them and to answer their questions.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing
Also, Mr. Cheney was on Capitol Hill Tuesday meeting with Senate Democrats and also I believe with House members.
CNN: Kelly Wallace is a CNN White House correspondent.
Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama entered the conference room in the Capitol basement to a standing ovation, but after nearly an hour and a half of discussion with House Republicans, there was little evidence that the meeting -- part of the White House's "charm offensive" on Capitol Hill -- did much to change the partisan gulf between the president and his chief adversaries.