Dr Dearden added that the long term goal of the BMA would be to reduce the number of people suffering from the skin cancer melanoma.
The skin cancer melanoma can be treated surgically before it spreads to other parts of the body, but once it does spread, the disease is almost always fatal.
In 1969 at my high school sports physical exam, I discovered that I had melanoma, a form of skin cancer.
Now, a handheld device being reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration might remove much of the guesswork from detecting the most deadly form of skin cancer, melanoma.
Phase 2 testing of elesclomol resulted in surprising data indicating that the compound might be an effective treatment for metastatic melanoma, a form of skin cancer that was notoriously resistant to treatment.
Melanoma, a cancer of the skin's melanocytes, or pigment cells, hits 60, 000 Americans each year and kills 8, 000 of them.
This was the conclusion of a test with mice that were genetically engineered to develop melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
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Going a step better, Millennium and Becton, Dickinson will soon introduce a test to predict which cases of melanoma, a nasty form of skin cancer, will metastasize.
Using indoor tanning beds before age 35 increases risk of developing melanoma -- the most deadly form of skin cancer -- by 75%, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.
Since 2000 the poor woman has battled three types of cancer: breast, skin (melanoma) and ovarian (stage four).
It is not yet known if the chemicals will also help tackle malignant melanoma, the least common but most deadly type of skin cancer.
The poor woman has battled four kinds of cancer since 2000: breast, skin (melanoma), ovarian (stage 4) and liver.
Malignant melanoma is the least common, but most aggressive form of skin cancer.
Other factors may go into determining the aggressiveness of a melanoma, including whether the skin over the area has formed an open sore and how many dividing cancer cells are found when looking under a microscope.
Professor Rona Mackie, an expert in skin cancer from the University of Glasgow, said it was important that people with a family history of melanoma did not panic.