So, membership should be looser, policymaking broader and more representative, the internet and interactive communication the norm.
She emphasised the value of the internationalism the designation represents, and the collaborative opportunities afforded through membership.
It now has a membership of 100 universities, through which it can reach out to 5 million students.
Assouline declares that business is so good, even in these tough times, that membership will soon be closed.
In 1961, it evolved into its present form and its membership includes 34 mostly developed countries.
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It takes some effort to input the membership numbers of your various loyalty programs.
Both sides also agreed not to block each other's efforts to seek EU membership.
Membership is restricted to the top two percent as measured by performance on standardized intelligence tests.
They will discuss the current set-up of the network, priority activities, partnership development, membership and responsibilities.
But yet that film might appeal to the membership of the Film Society of Lincoln Center.
There has been less money for local candidates, and few bodies, because membership is not growing.
But the former UK foreign secretary believes in an EU with different tiers of membership.
Or he must make a full-throated defense of British membership that categorically rules out an exit.
Education Secretary Michael Russell said its membership struck the right balance "of all interests at stake".
Importantly, Larkin observed that there were no apparent financial benefits to attaining club membership.
Montenegro applied for membership in 2008, and was confirmed as a candidate country two years later.
The Portadown District comprises 32 separate Orange lodges with a membership of about 1, 400.
Joey Robinson, a spokesman for the Scouts, defended its right to set its membership policies.
"It is not discrimination, it is the right to set membership standards, " he said.
Unless, of course, guild membership does not protect wages in the same way that unions do.
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You could download the Conversion Maximization report by registering for a free Bronze membership on Econsultancy.
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Membership in the Association is made up solely of recipients of the Horatio Alger Award.
The United States originally firmly opposed both Soviet membership and borrowing privileges in the newly-created EBRD.
What sets credit unions apart from banks is their non-profit status and their membership requirements.
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But euro membership also makes it difficult to make fast progress on wage competitiveness.
"It is for the FIA membership to decide on its elected leader, " he said.
On Xbox 360, content is streaming only and requires an Xbox LIVE Gold membership (sold separately).
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But Babacan, is his interview with Quest, said the government is focused on European membership.
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"EU membership is perceived as a guarantee of Poland's further development and security, " he says.
BBC: Viewpoint: Is Poland moving on from its turbulent past?